A long Saturday ... did some work, but not by the planners
Good morning. This is me. I think we’re up too early, but the mood struck … it’s 1:30 am. I would like to have some coffee, but I don’t think its good to encourage being up this early, especially since the kitties would think it’s there time too. Maybe we’ll go back to bed soon. Thinking one of the reasons we’re up is that our knee is hurting. We might decide to put some ice on it? That seems like a good idea, but we might be too lazy. Maybe, in a couple of moments.No, there isn’t anything urgent to write about, just like being here at the keyboard writing. We discussed it, or at least threw out the suggestion. Joanne had asked for ideas that were relaxing. Three other people had volunteered, but then time passed, so I didn’t say anything. But, then she came back and said she wanted more ideas. She went on and on after that about what a good idea journaling was. She wasn’t so keen on the idea then another staff had in watching TV. Hmm, she might have figured out that. Writing is actually a pretty good vice to have, because it allows us to think thoughts and get them “out of us.” Remembering of course, it was a session on relieving stress.
Hmm, think we’re doing good without the ice, but not so good without coffee.
Maybe?? Please? We’re not going to beg, ok? Please? Shhh. We’re going.
Hmm, change of plans … we’re like so soft. The kitties got fed, and we got ice for the leg – along with getting coffee. We’re at the point now of feeling it burn, so we’re not concentrating very well yet. Well, no not that we really were … Whistling and twitching. Man, that’s cold … I can do this.
We had a bad session with the therapy last night. We were doing good with the exercise part, but we’re doing bad with Tiffany. We’ve moved up to 15 minutes on the bike thing at a 5 level, and we did 15 of the other things instead of 10 minutes, and then we did a second set. She stretched our leg, but she did it haphazardly while talking to her peers the whole time … no focus on us. And, then all the time we were doing an exercise, or having ice on our leg, she busied herself somewhere else. The last 5 minutes was becoming unendurable because she puts the weight of the ice pack so it is pushing against the knee without support. I guess that is planned, but during none of this time did she stay and talk to us, and to make things worse, she was working on one of her peers with her back turned toward us.
After she had a peer remove our ice, we just got up to leave. I heard someone saying goodbye about the time we got to the desk … and we heard her say bye when we got to the door, but we were in no mood to turn back and reciprocate. Then I discovered the sheet she’d typed out with my sessions, she included Monday, which I had asked not to have and she has Wednesday, which I noticed was on the day of our Dr. Albright meeting. So, we’re going to need canceling both today. But, I’m also at a mad level that I want to give it a break for a bit.
She was supposed to be more invested than that. I left thinking that I wasn’t going to pay $240 a session so that she could massage her peers. I thought she was going to train me to take care of myself, but nowhere did she say … we’re just going to leave you alone so she can gab to her friends and ignore any kind of intellectual space that is involved in training.
Ok, that’s enough of that … too much negative stuff. On the positive side, the knee is now numb, so that’s getting better. Ok, one more thing … I want to say for the record that I had been in a very good mood before the session and I’d worked very hard to do what I was supposed to be doing. Hmm, what then … just no Tiffany reward? Hmpf! Anyway … let’s go on. I’m sure we’ll touch on this again soon enough.
So, where do we go next. Feel sorta in a crabby mood, I don’t want that to affect my writing space.
One thing I’m enjoying now is that we have the love songs on the music dealie. That makes me feel happy. See that’s what’s missing. Usually, we start off with something on mushyface.
He called last night. I was hoping he would. He mentioned that he could tell everyone was talking to their “girls” because he could see them all spread out. I giggled thinking that there was an intimate privacy going on between the men and women who had “allowed” the men to be out playing all summer. I’m sure that by now people were either used to it or barely tolerating. I think we’re on the used to it side.
Fishyman was feeling happy exhausted, but he was going to be playing cards. He was happy, because on the practice day, and yesterday, he and his partner were the only one’s to catch box fish. So, they are like 4.5 points above the others. So, even if he doesn’t win the big year long championship (remembering he’s in 2nd), he has a good chance at doing good in the weekend event. I love it … his fishy heart is just swishing in its place. I think even if he doesn’t win this weekend, I think he’s going to come home happy. I guess no one else caught ANY box fish … Pshwoo … some good fishing fishyman!!!
There was something else going on … He said Bob took his fishing box. Hehehe, I guess he had to give it back though, because there was some kind of rule saying you can’t do that. Our fishy friend had gotten back by saying something that was backed up by his partner against Bob in that they’d done something to his boat. I know my fishyman … he is trying to upset and psyche bob out, because he gets emotional … hehehe. Poor Bob, but he DID start this by taking fishyman’s stuff. Those guys are so silly. I think that they live for this camaraderie and it’s actually good for them in a male grunting kind of way.
Ahh, sir kitty has come up to give me the cold back. I guess, I’m not petting him enough … He is saying HMPF! Better get some more coffee before he forgives me.
Ahh, better. We stopped at the washroom. We thought that it seems to have been a long time since we had any pictures to break up the writing. Not sure why that happened, but for the record … this is what we’re looking like.
Have we changed much? Hehehe … silly us. Probably a lot of writers are up at this time of the morning doing their thing. Hmm, are they all having trouble spelling?
You’ve probably noticed that we get our “there’s and theirs” and words like that mixed up. We try to correct it when we notice, but something is not going naturally as it should in that department. We’ve noticed it ever since it seemed to be a problem when we’d tried to be a court reporter. Ahh that was back some time ago.
Probably about 15 years ago. Wow … time sure goes on … AND see!?? It works out
That’s a good future thought … Do you see that smile above? Chances are that we’re going to see more of that as time goes by. That’s a very friendly thought. Hmm, I just thought of something, wait …
I just saw this picture that was taken probably a couple of years ago now. Look, see? I think we’re aging well! Maybe … well certainly, yes. Our weight isn’t good, but we’re making progress with that. We talked to Dr. M. about that on Thursday.
We asked him what he thought of the weight surgery. He seemed agreeable to be talking about it. He said basically, that he could go either way with it. I don’t think fishyman would like it, and we worry because we’ve had so many ideas that sounded good, but then went astray. But, I would like to progress some of those thoughts. I’m not sure if Dr. Marvin added a lot to that whole concept, but I think he added something. I think there was a big question in at least our mind, which was would we be able to stop the over-indulging part to prevent us from getting sick by overeating.
It was confirmed through office gossip that Holly is letting herself get sick by eating too much. It must have been Brandi that told me that. I’m not sure why she would say that because how would she know … except that she does the gossip thing.
I don’t remember talking to anyone at work about it though. Hmm, maybe it was Margarita … we talked to her yesterday. That was good for us. We rode alone to the dinner yesterday and it gave us a chance to be personable with her. It was like meeting an old friend. On the side, she says that Mirza is almost due … it should be this week or the next. I guess all is good there. She is going to have a little boy. I think Mom is doing well, though maybe worries about her child more now than ever. We didn’t go into any real details though. It was a short ride and Margarita has been too unavailable to us for a long time.
I also worked very hard not to fill her in on Rich details. She doesn’t know, although the only one to know about Rich, but she doesn’t know that he is living with us and is working through a divorce. I think that would be pretty big news to her, but I don’t want to start that set of worries all over again. She knows enough. Gotta appreciate though that she’s kept it to herself for so long. Hmm, just thought of that … I don’t think I heard anything about Mirza getting married.
I wonder if that is going to happen or if she will soon separate now that she’s getting the child. I hate to say that, but I think it’s a situation where she’s going to follow her mother and her relationship pattern of not respecting males so much. I think though that they both wanted the child. I’m very sorry to say this, because it sounds negative, but I don’t think its really out of mean intent. It’s just that things seem to follow patterns.
I see the same thing happening to Maury. I see Lauren going her own way and separating from him while still expecting that he be taking care of the girls’ lives. I think that would be a crushing blow to Maury and I hope against it. But, Lauren does seem to have a separate and busy life without him … and she too has that pattern of her mother and father not living together – same with Maury. We haven’t given him a good life example. I see him going through things like us in that his father had a separate life while I stayed home and took care of the kids. I hope things work out for the best. We’ll stand beside him though. Just want our son to be happy.
Ok, MOM! That’s enough of that. It’s just that its worrying us … and I know that we have to stand in the wings. I think he’ll call me sometimes if he needs someone to talk to, but almost all the hard parts are being done by him and that’s the way unfortunately it has to be. I’ve got such a good role model in the Garvey’s … I am not going to be an interfering mother-in-law. It’s their story, right? We’ll let Maury write his own book someday.
Hmm, there’s a thought! I wonder if there is some chance that I’ve got some kind of writing gene and it is being passed down through the boys to their children. It doesn’t seem the boys have the sense of relief that writing provides, but maybe someday, right? Maybe it could be passed down. Let’s hope for that … if not that the granddaughters!?? We could still hope for that, right?
Hehehe oh oh … now we’re into pictures and this last one is a grandma being sneaky … She says AHA! Maybe those granddaughters of hers are going to be writers WAHAHAHA! Best to be leaving a good example. Can’t imagine that one day they could be reading this material … we’re trying to get past the point of embarrassment when they get to the parts saying that HEY! Grandma sure did have a sex life, didn’t she? NOOOO, not before they grow up a bit. But, someday they are going to walk parallel of my life, we’re hoping for that with all we are. Yes, that’s a little strange too. Grandma was a “we.” I hope that one day they can understand that it doesn’t change, but perhaps multiplies the love we have for them. If not before please girls understand this now ok? WE LOVE YOU TO PIECES!!!
Ok, you … stop, stop … we’re going to find ourselves in tears. They are just so gosh darn priceless.
Hmm, I think this leads us back to thoughts of the surgery. I think I’m going to ask Dr. Albright about it next. Maybe she can refer us back to the health and nutrition clinic. She’s known us for several years now and knows some of the good and bad about our efforts and such. I don’t know how she feels about it, but I would like if going into it have the back-up from my doctors. I told Dr. Marvin … one thing I’m sure of that I’ve never had the part of weight problem where we could tolerate throwing up as a pattern of eating. I would think if that were the case and we couldn’t keep things down, we could stop, but we’re not sure. We’re not sure how we would feel about wanting bad things to eat … that sense of our eyes being bigger than our stomach. I guess that’s part of why the long sessions of counseling and such going into this.
Hmm, just remembered I think there is supposed to be a web page for the health and wellness clinic. Let me try to look that up.
Hmm, ok back. It’s about 3:45 am now. We’ve done quite a bit of reading. We found the clinic, it’s called nutrition and wellness clinic. They didn’t have much personal information, but they had you connect with other resources. I read about as much at least as I could tolerate. I was reading from sources that were pro surgery, so they talked about recoveries from sleep apnea, diabetes, and reduction of osteoarthritis. The articles we read said that there is a high hypertension and cancer potential in people who are overweight, and they said that the rate of death decreases by about 30%. That’s a pretty good idea. There is supposed to be a 3-6 week recovery period though. I don’t know if Holly went through that. There might have been a month break. I think it has to do whether or not you get the lapband or other. I guess it’s much more the surgeons decision – maybe motivated by your choice. That be something to learn with actual professionals.
Hmm, we’re sure doing a lot of Hmming? Maybe we should stop that. We took a little break … we also filled up our coffee and ate our Cheerios. I think the bowl is too big, but that’s kind of where we are at … Maybe we’re feeling a little threatened with the ideas of weight loss and surgery. Ok, see that … We’re feeling full though. We’ve got to recognize that better. I think we have to get off that subject for a bit now. Hmm?
I’m wondering if we should go to bed. Feeling tired already. I think it’s a result of having just eaten. Or, maybe because we’ve been up 3 unnatural hours? Damn I hate to lose writing to sleeping. Maybe be a good idea though? Maybe we’d be up by about 6 or so. That would be a good idea, ok?
Well, about 6 … It’s actually now 7:24 … I guess I slept in for a bit more. I must have been tired. I think that Chief cat drugged me! AHA!
Ok, we’re up we’re up … now what is going to be happening. I think I said something yesterday about doing writing and curriculum in the morning and reading grant material in the afternoon. That would make everyone happy. Let’s see if I can stick with that k? But, it’s too early for curriculum right now … well not really, but I want more time to write. I understand by this time that I can make up reasons – even if they are real for about everything I do … that’s probably dangerous like regulating statistics always to be going in your favor. Maybe this is a phenomenon of the glass being able to be half full AND half empty at the same time? Hmm, that’s about as philosophical as I’m likely to get today.
What subject next? Ahh Norah Jones … “Come Away With Me” this is my favorite song of hers. Well, no that’s not really a subject, but sweet anyway.
Any more fishyman thoughts? I still love him! Oh no news there? Well maybe not, but first thing on top of my mind.
Hmm, that’s a distraction
He just sits there, but we were relaxed this time. You see its all about arm position. We know he is going to settle soon enough, but he wants me to move my left arm so he gets more laying position, where if I keep it in position so I can type, than I am happier. This time I won out hehehe Eh, don’t worry … I’m not making him entirely unhappy. He likes to lay down in about any position. He’s umm a … cat!
Sure looks like though from that picture that he still needs brushing. I’ve been doing a good share with my hand every opportunity to be petting him. His other side looks much smoother … I think he’s migrating dependent on his favorite sleeping side. Well, we both won. I stopped for a couple of minutes to pet his tummy. He relaxed a bit. Ok, he’s going to be there a while, what’s next?
Fishyface? Well as we said before … not too much to add. By now he’s been out on the water for about an hour or two. And, he’s fishing his heart out. God Bless him. I made the mistake of saying he was on vacation yesterday, and he quickly reminded him that this was hard work fishing! Uh huh uh huh. Ok, but it still seems like he’s on vacation!
Hmm, that was wet … I shifted the bandage on my knee and I must have opened the bag, because all of a sudden it watered all over me. Hmm, that reminds me he asked me to water his flowers better do that now brb Good good … done that. I can’t believe they still are about ¾ full of large purple flowers. He said this is the longest he’s ever managed to get flowers to grow. Shoot now the knee … might have to get more ice soon. Let’s give us a break first, K? That cat keeps wanting to bother it … I don’t think so … I see that the other one I had they scratched and all the insides gushed out like a broken heart. HMPF!
Did Fishyface say anything else? I think he only gave me that one request. It’s kinda hard when one is umm fishworking that the other should be doing things like picking up the laundry. Well, actually that is what he told me before he left.
Maybe I should try to include that on the schedule today … don’t see where its going to be fitted in though … it requires going outside in one’s automobile. Someone left it parked outside with no gas. Doesn’t seem to be a good idea to drive it, at least until the bank money clears. And, even that … *sigh* going to need gas for Joe’s tomorrow … Drat! I took out $20, but I really need that in case there is an entry fee. Most likely there will be … someone has to pay for the event. I guess it will have to come out of amount deposited. But, then we’re pretty much on rock bottom, because I think the car was going to take about $150 of that deposit. Ok, that’s enough of that. Check the amounts? Damn … sounds like trouble.
Ok, it looks like after the car there will be $46 dollars in there … so that means I can make a gas payment. Some automatic payments came out though like the music, health club dues, and car insurance. I think I’m going to need $25 in there by the 12th and Sallie Mae took money out on the 17th. They are taking out $64.15 … that’s for Joe’s school loan … can’t avoid that. I think I’m in a heap of trouble. Better let that go for now … I gotta call the school loan people. Might want to call Sallie Mae too. I’m not sure where I’m going to get my best deal, but I think I need to consolidate somewhere. If I take it out on my own I’ll probably get higher interest … seems like a lot of people have a big piece of my pie. Ptooey, ptooey.
Ok, not going to help worry now … better let that go. Well, maybe think of the next step … next step, beside that I need to fill my car with gas. I guess there’s not enough to do much more. I have to wait 9 more days before I can pay some more bills … by then we’ll probably have to tell fishyman about those boxes. I think he’s going to get home on Sunday and see them in the backside of the car. I think they represent about $325-50 dollars. Jesus … hmm, maybe I better start praying. Oh that’s right we were going to try cancelling horchow sending daily advertising to us, better do that … Dr. Marvin said it would be a good idea. Ok, that is done … sure we’re pretty adds though. Dr. Marvin says I’m doing good with my consequences, because I already knew and called to have the stuff go back … ok, the plan is we need box tape and a case cutter. Think the case cutter is in drawer … we’ll have to go up to the workshop to get the tape. We’ll bring it back the next day. We’ll have to ask fishyman for help carrying boxes though. It be too much to ask a client to go somewhere with me. Ok, maybe we can go with fishyman. We can carry the two small boxes. But, he would have to make two trips with the big boxes. I wish that I didn’t have to open the boxes.
Ok, that’s going to bring up the plastic bags – the space bags. I think I told you that Rich said we could keep them, but I know if I send them back I could get $85 back. Damn had to pay for the shipping on that … and that was going to be like $30 … that doesn’t make any sense. Could we use them to good advantage? I think some of the stuff we wanted to wrap should officially get thrown away, but then if I were going to lose weight? It would really have to be evaluated to see if we still need the clothes. A lot have probably gone out of the wearabilty range. I should probably add that to the list then today … to try the bags. We could start with the blankets and pillows stacked in both Rich’s room and ours. I got those because we were going to use them seriously. Now I’m wondering if we couldn’t get rid of about six boxes of stuffed animals. I bet we could get the air out of them too! Then I could store them under the bed without throwing them away. I think the idea was to clear the back bedroom so that fishyman could use it for his stuff.
We’re pretty sure we still want to give that space to the fishyman … he’s going to need carrying stuff upstairs, but if we can get the mover to bring stuff down and bring the majority of stuff he wants from his place. Still have to worry about the furniture. I was thinking for a second that maybe we could put the desk and dresser into the silent auction, that would be a good idea, but we still would then have to wait for next March, April and then someone would have to come and pick it up. That would be getting it to a good cause, but I don’t want to put up with the timing of it. I’m not sure though if Rich should be paying $140 a month just to keep it around. It’s too good to get rid of, but space consuming. Maury said that he would ask Lauren and she would ask her Mom about taking it back. There is some possibility there, but Maury thought that there house was too full and they were trying to get rid of stuff rather than to take it back.
I guess things are still “we’ll have to see.” Rich is nowhere close to making decisions to get stuff out of his old house. He’s avoiding even thinking of it to make a plan … like nudging a mountain to get him to even growl through a thought process. Maybe we are going to need help? Hhehehe I’m sure he loves that! Maybe we should take some kind of square footage something. I think the biggest hassle isn’t the furniture … it’s deciding about all those keepsakes he has … Lots of memories tying him back to all those years with the kids. I think he has to give each of them a chance to take what they might want. And, then he could be focusing on just the things that are his keepsakes. He didn’t cut me short when talking about making space for his sports memorabilia and stuff. We checked him out on the garage stuff. We got as far as talking about the tools. He doesn’t think he needs most of them. And, he says that Chris was given the Grandfather’s so he doesn’t need any of Rich. Rich doesn’t seem to have gathered a whole lot, but what he has can be brought into use by the workshops. So that is then just a space leveraging
Maybe if we could do some mental walk-throughs and start making plans. I’d like to think he could rent a space big enough so that he doesn’t have to make all the heart-breaking decisions now. Maybe it would be better if he could think through things one box at a time. He’s really going to need some help from one of the boys to do something. I think Jon is coming up for a long break … it would be good if he could do some packing with his father. I’m not sure the next time his wife is going to be gone. I thought she was going to leave for a couple of days. The general sense is that they want to supervise what he’s taking as if he can’t be trusted … that’s really a dipshit thought though. As if she can be trusted with all of his stuff?
Hmm, just took a moment to look at Rich’s wife’s site … nothing very interesting today. It’s been a while since we were over there. She’s still in bubble-land.
But, then so are we … we think Rich is delightful to have as a partner.
Can we jump that other conversation then and go back to loverbunny? I have over the last few months tried to get a grip on the difference of my life with him in it so directly. It’s hard to imagine the other direction, because things have done such a great 360. He seems to be staying for the rest of my life. I don’t think either of us are contemplating that there could be any other life direction. I think he would be ok if I weren’t here in that he has some good relationships with the guys. But, that’s not the direction, of course, either of us want to go. Neither of us has anyone one else to … well, there is Dr. Marvin to tell my secrets too, but it’s Rich we do our living with … I think he would be very lonely without me. He’d have Bob, but even then I think those two are too competitive to be of full use to one another. They’d drive each other buggy. And, I’m pretty sure that Bob would be trying to hook Rich up with another sexual partner. Yeeks! I certainly then better stick around.
Think positive thoughts on the bariatric surgery. Ok, now let that go … we’re going to leave it at ask Dr. Albright.
Ok, back to Fishyface. Thing is that we should plan on sticking around … because there is absolutely too much to miss. I just love the dickens out of him. EVEN, when he is giving me stuff I gotta do.
I’m still trying to get a handle of what it means to be with someone your entire life. That’s just so gosh darn surreal. I don’t know how to get a grasp on it.
We’re still back to wondering what nursing home the boys were going to place us in and thinking that Rich’s wife was going to get our retirement house. I like to think we are still going to live simply and get that retirement home in Michigan, but even if we just visited nice places – the thing is that I would be doing it with Rich. Somehow we’ve like become a couple who is happening like now and forever. I feel like we’ve won the big gazillion dollar prize and it still hasn’t sunk in yet.
Let’s see … how can we progress that thought. I’d like to think not he’s “mine,” but somehow we are going to belong into eternal realms. Maybe when we die … we’ll even go to heaven with each other. Hmm, or because of the cheating end up in hell, but maybe we’d be able to be together? That would be a good idea, but for the record … we better start going to church. Just gotta tie Joe down. WooHOOO! JOE!!
Hehehe ok, better not go there, let’s see if we can tie a few thoughts together. I believe that Rich won’t ever leave me. I know that he is leaving his wife, but that situation is different. For one, I think she had to be the one to make that decision … she is the one that “Caught” us and kind of threw my loverlips out on his ear. I’m ok with that just as long as it happened. I’m sure she’s going through her struggles wondering if that was the right thing to do, but maybe not much.
She’s been living an independent life from him so long, she’s probably thinking
she’s free … except the times she’s feeling sorry for herself for “somehow losing a husband.”
We keep going back to us being at the computer and Rich coming in … we didn’t hear him, or at least he got to our living room door frame before those first few questions and then him saying something about how we got our wish and he hoped I really did want him to move in. Heheh it is just so strange. There was no real question as if “Could he move in.” It was just like here we are dear … we’ve arrived. Oh man … that’s a big moment just like the first when he put his hand on my knee. There have been statements made due to his first thoughts maybe he should move in with Bob, but he picked up right away that he really wanted to be here AND that Bob smoked. Whew … we broke ground with that move – not smoking. Now it is like just over 6 months after and it doesn’t seem there is any other deal than that we’re going to be together.
I still think he is waiting for some cue that things are going to fall apart, like the other day that he came in and we had the headphones on . It was like, “oh boy, I knew it was going to happen, already, you are closing me out.” We’ll work out those bumples. But, I have to be careful. Even little things like when I don’t get up in time to pour his coffee. He’s thinking I wonder if she really loves me.
Maybe. I’m not sure, but he’s been turned out and somehow I think that has hurt him in a fundamental way. Not that he ever fought it. It was like, ok. Here is here thought … “You are out.” And, he was like, “Ok” marriage is over. I think there was one or two thoughts out loud that maybe we are going to get back together, but I don’t think they were strong or even believable. I remember those few times he expressed himself in tears the first few days. Things really stung.
Now I think there are some good things happening like the both of us planning a life together. That’s something major in letting the other go. But, I know there is a lot more processing than that and until something happens with the lawyer stuff or he starts moving out of the house, things are on hold. Maybe we should just be planning then that we need to allow situations to come up where we can have some small chat on it. It will be a big deal with the fishing season coming to a close that those thoughts are more possible. And, we made great headway in meeting Dave the mover.
Hmm, phone’s still recharging. I think though we should give him a call to assure ourselves that he could go out to Algonquin to pick up stuff if Rich could get it together. He says no job too big or too small. That’s a good thing. Just have to be the one that is going to be good at organizing. Maybe if we could get him to be doing mental walk-throughs of his space at the other place. So, he can start organizing his time with it and what he wants to do … if he has a plan in place in his head things could be more doable. Maybe I could get him to use the Smart Draw … I think the disk is between here and work. He liked using the program a few times for work and he remembered it for the back to draw the parking lot. Maybe we could get him to diagram out the spaces in his family room, the extra furniture, his garage and basement. I think it’s in a way holding him to the marriage, but the more he plans to take himself out of that situation, the better processing will be happening. Right now I think he is stuck. Thinking about moving out of here and hopefully the thoughts of getting a room for his thing, I hope has helped.
I think we mentioned already that he needs to be the one planning to get the washer and dryer here. Maybe I will have to let him help me organize .. hehehe … he’ll say dear, can you do the white load, or do you have anything for the colored load. I find most things I do with him are things that build stronger ties to the relationship. It was like reading Carlos Castanada where he had strands of energy that could hold himself to the trees. It’s like that building a relationship … things are holding us together and like the roots of that tree … they keep going deeper with the more things we plan and do together, or even when we are apart and tolerating those differences as good things. Like now it gives me some breathing space to be thinking of him. I fully believe that there are some things left to chance, but there is a lot of things that come together because of forethought and planning. I like the idea of him making spaces with the Smart Draw that could help him put it all together. It would have to be tested if he knew the spaces in his basement or garage to be saying I want this one, I don’t want this one … this one should be saved or given to the kids.
I would like to think again that Jon could help, but I don’t really have him saved in my head as a real worker bee. I think of my boys the same way. They are not the type to jump into a project and see it through, unless it obviously benefited them and there was no way around it … like the moving they’ve had to do over the last five years.
Ok, for sure … we didn’t do something right there. I think too much of their father’s influence. Yes, this would be a convenient time to blame him. He did so little working together with us. He was self-centered too. Maybe we all are? Just that what’s new in my life is planning on like a stage to work toward making sweetbunny more and happier. It’s still him that has to draw the boxes, but my position will be to sit next to him watch him put the boxes together. It be a good thing to do if we could share a couple of evenings together, or maybe a weekend. It could be “Our moving.” If he could create boxes that would represent stuff, he could start to get a handle on space and what he’s got to be working on. I know he is used to doing his thoughts by himself because of the relationship he’s had with his wife. In a sense no one’s walked down in that basement with him and helped to make decisions. I know he can do special things because of his high ability of being able to work through workshop tasks. That might work out too. If he was going to save more, he could work out bringing home a couple skids. Setting them in the garage and then bring home the skid lifter and maybe even the truck. It must have something that lifts things up and down. Just have to be careful not to give away things as if he’s moving out of his place.
Rich doesn’t need to see all the thinking that is getting us from one space to another, but he needs to have help planning, because on his own … he’s not doing much of it. Ok, girl quite down on so much the me, me stuff. It’s just that I can do it on my own. Hmm, that’s a thought, maybe I could practice through it. I think I have the experimental Smart Draw, but hmm, ok, why don’t we try it.
Oh man it’s a beauty. It’s got all kinds of furniture and a floor map that’s in feet. So, you look up rooms, grab furniture and you can even stack it on top of each other so it is a matter of measuring rooms and furniture. This reminds me of the kind of stuff that I did as a kid. I would take measurements of our room and then cut out pieces of furniture to plan our space. Why don’t we go take a couple of measurements now. Sounds like fun.
Ok, here it is … my spare bedroom
Ok, nothing to write home about, but pretty neat just the same. It also shows the difficulty getting in and out of the room. The treadmill is to the left of the door opening. We didn’t go as far as to draw closets. I wasn’t real happy with the measuring, because the border was by 1/3 foot as the smallest increment, instead of a decent 1/4th. But, I think that lover bunny could do something with it. Maybe he could go in then and take some measurements to see what kind of space he is going to need. I think that the size of the room is 132 square feet, or 12x11. Lot could be done with that and there is good closet space too not drawn into the room. They are to the left and right of the teacart – looks like a nightstand floating on the right wall. So, if Rich were to measure the size of the table and chairs and desk he would like, he could see too if he could fit other things. My thought though is that he use the walls, and if not hang, at least lean pegboard – at least 3 8 x 4 sections. Hmm, couldn’t find it … ahh there it is … could we put floor to ceiling 8 feet up? Let’s measure that.
I guess that that we’d have to saw off about 6 or 7”, but that means you could get about 7 boards. Rich might not like that much, but it sure would be sweet. It might though cost about $150 and where they really get you is on the fancy hooks. I also spotted how you need to hang it. You need to find the studs and then hang a 2x4 on them, and then hang the board on the 2x4. That way there is space in back of the wall to hang hooks. I know too you can get all kinds of fancy pegboard, but I think if you really want color you can get a can of spray paint. Hmm, sweetie pie said something to about getting a bike instead of the treadmill, but we’re not ready for that yet. I would like to think more of getting gym membership. We should get the kind that you get 24 hour ability to use it.
Whoops … change in plan … we’ve got VISITORS!!! Maury is stopping by with the girls to give us the camera – the video one. We went through in our mind if he’s coming up or not … the last we left it … he could come by. We did our first chase of emptying the dishwasher and putting dirty dishes into it. I moved around some clothes in the living room too. Just one more up straightening up the living room, and if I were being really good, I would take a shower and put on some regular clothes. He said he would be about 45 minutes to an hour. I would have to jump in the shower right now if our hair was to dry in time, but maybe I should break 5 minutes, finish the living room, and then getting in the shower. There’s only so fast that we go. And, he has to put shoes on the girls. First he has to catch them. He says he can’t stay though because they have a lot of running around to do. This is the first time in HOW LONG??? They never stop by anymore. Ok, let’s try it now … k? We’re getting nervous. We know the girls are going to run through our place like balls of fire. Ok, we took our medicine … we’ll be ok, right? This is just our family? It will be ok? Shhhh… maybe put away the blanket and take a relaxing shower, k?? It will be ok. We’re no better than the cats hiding under furniture … all our parts are running around in a panic. Why? Hmm, why are they scared. I think it comes down to rejection, and intimidation by people. We can get a handle on that … It’s just Maury and the girls. Shhhh let’s calm down.
Ok, that’s a little better … we’ve been through the shower, not quite dressed yet, but we got the clothes ready to put on. That’s a step. Now our leg is bothering us though … and our minds our still sped up … maybe if we get dressed, I know, I know … wait a minute. Ok, shhh. Now let’s have some calm thinking. Maybe if we get dressed I know in a few minutes, then we can put the music back on? I don’t think we’re going to clean any more than we have. It’s now 11 am and Maury should be here in about 20-30 minutes. Think calmly now … we can do this. Maybe some more hot coffee too? That be good, right? I know our place is more cleaned up that Maury’s but I think it’s giving us pause because he had designated it unsafe for Isa. I think this is a bold move of Maury’s to regain some clearance in his mothers’ life.
We know that for the last 6 months nobody came over … and part of that is because of Rich.
I don’t want to feel like I’m living a bad life, but it might seem funny for the girls or my son to be realizing that I’ve got a boyfriend I have sleeping over in what used to be just our apartment. If they aren’t allowed to meet Rich, are they allowed to see our joint living space. It’s very convenient that Rich is out this weekend, but we’re coming into a long cold season. I know though that if my boys wanted to be over, he would make himself disappear to his mothers’, Bob’s, his kids, a movie, whatever. It’s a hard thing though for an older granddaughter to understand. I think though that she is too young to figure out that the bedroom has got man clothes in it or that the shower now has a male shaver. Thank goodness for that. I am leaving out the pictures of Rich fishing so maybe we can break ground by saying these are pictures of Gramma’s boyfriend. That is only if she shows curiosity, in that we plan at least to show Maury the pictures. I think it’s a step in the right direction. He said the visit is short, but I know they always make their way through the length of the place to check things out. It is a good transformation thing. Hmm, maybe they are not transformative, nor am I to exchange nudity … better get dressed.
Ok, good … this is more Gramma like though there is still that wild eye that has probably since life worried about others’ impression of our home. I know that Ame is going to want to be on our computer first thing. But, her father wants to go right away. There will be at least 10 minutes though. There I saved this document just in case. Now maybe we can find that PBS site? Hmm, I wonder what Ame will do with Arthur and Buster. We’re going to leave up their site and hope she zones in right away so her father and I can talk for a moment. We’re going to need a couple clues on operating the camera. Maury says he thinks that there is about 3-4 hours of video left. I’m only doing Joe so I’m not expecting to do that much. But, Maury says that there is quite a bit of Joe’s stuff on it, so we’ll try to figure out if we have enough to get the video to the computer. Maybe add it to YouTube. Then Joe can do with it as he may.
Ok, good starting to calm down a bit … coffee??
Ahh good. I think that she’s going to like our camera too, maybe we can teach her the simple trick of taking pictures … then she has something important for me to post … WOOHOOO! She’s going to want me to sit with her though, but Dad will be edgy to go. He said he has a whole lot of errands. It’ll be ok, shh… We got nothing to be ashamed of. Hmm, that’s probably what we are fighting now … childhood shame that what we have or who we are isn’t going to be good enough. It’s a large drain of my self worth. The strange part of it is that after we connect with Maury or the girls, we feel a sense of importance with us. Mostly because we are their mother or grandmother.
I’m still actually a little shaky with the Grandmother thing. I’m not the grandmother I would have hoped to be. I don’t take care of the girls and don’t have people over for dinner. I so look forward to the day that RICH comes out of the closet. Then we can invite him over and he can enjoy cooking for family again.
Plus, there will be days where his kids can come over and he can enjoy cooking for them. BUT, it won’t be until after the divorce because it has to follow his story line … and for that … he can’t be seen living with the other woman. Maybe in time.
For now … anytime they could be here … I’d like to think like the song goes over the something and through the something to Grandmother’s house we go.
I wonder if there isn’t something that we could give them … Hmm, just cleaned the keyboard and underneath … forgot that will probably be moved. She’ll pull it toward her. Ahh, checked around … we’re actually in good gramma shape. We’ve got bananas, plums, oranges, and apples … so if they really want something they can eat HEALTHY!! Woo HOO … we’re a healthy gramma!!!
Ok, ready for a quick trip? Anytime now, but usually he runs a little late. Have to imagine now Isa … she won’t pick up everything, but she will get around … since the kitties are going to hide, I better shut the door to their bathroom, while she’s here. I don’t think she’s old enough to be opening doors. That’s a good thing. I think Ame learned once by looking in there it wasn’t a good place to go, so she’ll avoid it.
Ok, we got our good gramma face on now … we’re very happy that they are coming over. It is maybe just a little excitement that we are feeling? Dr. Marvin would say this is a good feeling. I’d go as far as to say that we’re ecstatic. How do I respond to the part that Ame is going to want to know what that hose is for. Hmm, it’s to help gramma breathe. Let me see. Umm, ok, we’re a little nervous about it. Since its been on our face we’re not going to want her to breath into it, but maybe we can show her the air coming out. I’d like her to grow up not scared of us. We’re broken in a few places that’s all. Ok, ok … nuf of that … she’s not coming over for that … she’s coming over because she loves her gramma. That’s a good reason to have a 6 year old in the house. Plus … wooHOOO we get the mystical Isa too! Double bonus … should have had more kids … hehehe … I know I know … three’s a nice number.
Maybe we should think of that again too. Maybe calling Thom? Wouldn’t that be cool. He will either pick up his phone or not, but we’d at least get that small connection of going that far. What would we say to him. We’d for sure ask him how is he doing. We’d tell him we’re doing fine. Would like to see him sometime.
Maybe we … AHA! They are here!!!
AHA! AHA! AHA! Grandchildren!!! She liked playing with the camera that is for sure. She took 53 pictures Hehehe awe man that’s MY granddaughter for sure! AND, in the last one … she grabbed a picture of Isa and Daddy and Gramma all in one WOOHOOO!! A family photog.
He’s showing me obviously how to take a picture with the video camera that’s ACTUALLY MINE!!
I don’t think I’m giving it up for a while, because he isn’t doing his part in taking pictures. I understand though that Joe has some pictures on there and Maury says they are taking up about 85% of the space, so later maybe tonight we can figure all that out. I’d be happy to get them uploaded to the internet then he can do with them as he will.
In the meantime, don’t I have the most beautiful grandchildren? Ok, maybe they are a little silly like me, but that’s just frosting on the cake! I can’t believe they are here looking at me. WOOHOOO!!! I wonder what’s happening the computer seems a little boggy. I was going to move all those Ame pictures over to another file so I could watch them in a little video, but somethings going on … shoot. Hmm, maybe just because we have so much pictures. It’s taking time to load. Hmm, I’ve got a folder for new pictures wonder if I could get them there.
Hmm, it’s empty … we’re going to try it … but now we have to wait for the pictures to load on the screen again. We’re getting to the point we need to clean up files, but again … not right now … Hmm, it’s uploading to an album, not sure if that’s an advancement. I’m not sure what I can do with an album yet. Where does it go and is it natural to be taking so long. Hmm, AND I wonder if dinner is ready … we’ve gone too long. Better go check it smells good at least.
Ahh we’re done eating and the kitties are testing out whether or not they should be out. We’re not sure where we saved too, but we have Ame’s pictures now playing as a side show. She’s so marvelous with her curiosity. She did dozens of different looks and even went as far as to take pictures of her hiding with just the earphones on camera. She is so curios and curious about herself … Some pretty amazing stuff.
She didn’t like so much the pictures where she is blurred, but even they are a study. Hehehe I just sent the album to a couple of people including her dad. He can share them with Ame and Ame can share them with her Mom. I know she was proud of them. I think … she had fun *silly grin* I was right too, it didn’t take her but a few moments to find them. And, Maury as thought … went through the house.
Not very long, but he did shoot a couple of pictures of the desk and dresser to show Lauren I think that he is still trying to figure out what to do with it. I hate to see it getting just to the garage sale, because they are really well made pieces of furniture.
But, if we’re going to do that room conversion – pegboard deal, we’re going to need some clearing away. It’s just not “Rich.” I had forgotten too about the windows … so, we’ll have to cut down to 4 boards. Too bad that was the long wall that would have taken 3. I think it still should be enough for Rich to develop a room around himself. It will take time. I think he needs some kind of coat display for his old football jacket. If nothing else … we will want him to hang it in his old closet.
Just a pure Rich room. I don’t know why it is so essential that he get the pegboard, but with that he can hang the little stuff up for his fishy world. It would take some time to motivate him in that direction. But, we’ll keep working at it.
So, let me see it’s about 1 pm. Hmm, maybe we could go up to 2 pm? We’re long on pages, but we’ve got many pictures in this entry. I haven’t done anything though with curriculum either. Let me take a quick look at that. Shoot that stops that.
It is down for scheduled maintenance. So, I could do the next thing and take a look at the you know what books?
Ok, ok … shhh, you remember they are only scary until you start reading them. I think there should be 2-3 books, lets first see if we can find them. Ok, I know you can … go look!
Oh man … we’re working on it … I guess we’ve picked up four grant books, and we’ve dedicated ourselves to one, but our leg hurt so much that we had to stop and apply ice. We’re now waiting for the first chill to pass. Then hopefully, we can go back to the couch. Oh man … cold. We need a distraction
Well, no that isn’t the one we were thinking of. We asked the trainer about ice or having too much of it, she explained that it wasn’t like alcohol, drugs or the like bad for you, she also said that it was free and easily accessible. So, basically use as much as you like. I’d still think it might be better to fix the underlying problem, but that is another situation. Right now let’s just get past the original hurt. I wonder if we’re killing our nerve endings though. I’m missing my music too. I wonder if we could bring the book over here and get relatively comfortable. We already took off the skirt so it wouldn’t bind under us. We still have another … anyway that shouldn’t concern you … ok, let’s get the book since we tolerate the physical situation over here better then there. Over there we get uncomfortable and have a hard time adjusting due to the softness of the couch.
Hmm, why did we do that? We finally took out a space bag and placed a couple of large pillows in it. Then we vacuumed out the air, and my gosh it worked! But, that was a lot of effort to manage it. I think we need better organization and we need to figure out bag sizes. And, we have to be careful, because it said to only do the down stuff half way, so that is what we did, I think. It doesn’t really help you figure out what half way is. The hole worked great. You just placed the vacuum tube up to it and it seems to hold its place. I know that we have blankets and such that we will want to put under there … I need to think of a game plan … I’m not sure yet that the cats will leave them alone, so we’re being a little cautious of all that too, especially since we’re sticking the bags in their space under the beds. The bags are supposed to be reusable too, so if we ever get a chance to bring them to the laundry, then that would be a good idea. Hate to put away blankets that need cleaning. Just trying to free up space for Rich though. That’s going to be pretty important. Says that we shouldn’t do leather though, so we might want to look through some of the coats before doing them. I’m looking in the front hall closet with some of Thom’s stuff. Don’t know how many bags though. Maybe like 30-35, but some of them might be pretty small. The plastic seems tough enough for general sitting around. I think it will really work to put stuff under the beds.
We’ll just leave the headboard for the kitties.
Ok, ok … that project is overwhelming us. We don’t know how big the bag sizes are … I suppose that we can open both boxes and put them out, but then we’re going to need a storage place for them out of the way. Where could they go. On top of something … I’d like to think the under both beds is going to be for full bags. I guess I could keep them on the top of the boombox/serving cart? Or if not there on the top of my dresser? Just means I have to clean that space up … shouldn’t be too hard to put away a few clothes, right?
Ok, then maybe we’ll open the boxes in the back room then … Just gotta move a couple sleepy kitties out of the way … ouch forgot that suitcase … too much, too much!
Shoot shoot that was hard … seems we’ve got several jumbo’s extra large and least 4
hanging, plus maybe some large’s mediums and some for suitcases. I figure they are making a lot of money from these things. Plastic still being relatively cheap. But beside feeling taken because it still cost $84, we’ll have to see how things go.
Those big bags are going to go quickly with all the blankets and pillows to store.
Maybe that was one of the biggest deals though. Plus then there will be the hanger stuff. I’d like that to empty out my closet of all items not being worn, and having made it past the throw out stage. Hmm, How am I going to unload the dresser. A good percentage of that stuff is still being worn. Think there are at least some drawers on Rich’s second dresser not being used. Would like to be ready if Maury comes up with some use for the dresser. I hate to see him having to move it again.
But, that might be necessary. Pretty much thinking that Lauren’s mother is full up with stuff. The only way it would work for Maury is to use it for clean laundry like to change seasons. They have so many clothes over at their place. Nothing gets washed because I don’t think there are places to keep it.
One of the next trips, I’ll have to check out Thom’s stuff. Maybe it could go over to Joe’s. He’s still lacking clothes I think. Between them, they can decide whether it is time to get rid of it. We could then remove a couple of blankets, and the front closet would be almost entirely empty for Rich. That is beside the Christmas tree, a couple of folding chairs and the vacuum. Not much else there.
Why am I doing this anyway? Was it on the list? It’s going to take some organizing to make sure all the stuff fits. What’s my first priority with this vacuum bag stuff or other. It’s about 2:30 pm now.
Hmm, thinking of those dishes too. Rich could use some storage space up on top of the closet. He’s not really using much of his space on the bottom. He’s using both closet floors to sort out dirty clothes. When we get the washer/dryer, maybe we could save whites for a separate load, but towels and clothes could get mixed, hmm?
We’re very excited about this. Need to get decisive if we want to use this next couple of work hours on a solid project … thinking I would like to do those blankets and pillows on either side of the bedroom dressers. Ok, maybe we should take an extra chair though. It’s hard to sit on the bed while working on it, and then vacuuming from that angle. Let’s go inventory the load. Hmm?
I think so far then we’ve got a quilt and 2 ½ pillow for one extra big, and then another extra big for 3-5 smaller blankets, or some of them can go with the extra pillows, and those 4 blue throw pillows can be tossed. They are past their use at 10 years. I also thought that Thom’s clothes would be a good experiment for the hanging one. There are about 12 items, some just t-shirts, some in-between, and a couple of coats. I’d like to try that one next, but I have to bring in the chair … I guess Rich didn’t keep one in there. Better read the instructions on that one.
Ahh that’s one down. Next time I see Joe? The bag goes. For now I put it in the back of my closet. I hope its not too heavy for the hanger, or whatever keeps that attached to the bag. We’ll have to see. I could see where that kind of thing could get pretty addictive. Lot’s more blankets but our fingers got sort of tired making sure the long bag was zipped shut. Think we’ll give ourselves a little break from it. Next up though will be the big quilt and pillows that goes with it. Ahh, the music … like to hear that. Just getting rid of clutter, right? That’s a good first step. I just thought we were going to aim getting rid of the bed in our room. That means that we shouldn’t plan on putting stuff under that bed. I forgot. I wonder how we get Rich to bring home boxes for those dishes? Hmm, and we’re going to need newspapers too. We’ll have to ask him about that. There’s stuff in this closet that I would like to throw. I better bring a plastic bag. Would the junk fit?
Stuff up there we haven’t touch for 7 years. Just wasted space. Want to get rid of clutter. I think we could stack the fire place frame in our closet … I don’t think it would be too tall. Be really nice to have some stretch wrap though. We could do the same with the curtain rods that fall out on people in the closet. Wonder what’s in those cans up there.
Why is it that you have to stand up to get anything done? But, this is for Fishyman, right? Be nice to fill the back staging area with junk we’re ready to get rid of. Be good to for projects to at least clean the remainder of this closet and seal up all the blankets and pillows. Then fishyman can start filling space with the things he doesn’t want to get rid of. Plus we are readier to take out the dresser and desk. Maury gave me a sense of hope with it when he took pictures.
What’s our back up plan? Flylady says to just put it out on the curb and let it bless another family. Maury I think would rather have a garage sale with it, but Flylady says give it away. Just so good. I would like it for a cottage. But, if we go to a cottage, we’re going to want only 2 bedrooms, one for sleeping and another for the same kind of Rich space. The only concession is that I continue using the living room for the computer. Seems fair. So, in reality, we don’t need the dresser … just be holding on to something. Better give Lauren a chance to find a home for it. She’s the one that has had the real attachment. Let’s keep thinking that its going out. That works for us.
Keep figuring, what could I use for my stuff. There’s shorts, and then some T-shirts, some extra socks, underwears, bras, and then pajamas. It’s gotta go somewhere. Just I don’t want to take up all the space with the white dresser. Hmm, I wonder how big? Could about get it in there, but we’d only open some of the drawers six inches. BUT, what we could do is get some of those milk cartons … maybe about 5 or six, then I could put them on the top of the shelves. Or for that matter we could move the towels since the wash will be so efficient, and then line the bottom floor of my closet … that would be really simple. I could just drop them in and they wouldn’t be an eyesore for anyone. I want something easy to grab, so no boxes, but that’s the general idea.
Wow … I went through a lot of bin thoughts and thought I had the set that would work, and then through more processing, I remembered that I had the shelves in the back bedroom yet and they could become my new closet dresser. Wow, what an inspiration. I might want to work on that … better storage, better efficiency.
Having to think so much through without moving has some benefits. I think in general women are built like that. It might waste me to move the shelving, but I might want to do that soon. I don’t have to wait for Rich. I want to have that space cleared. I am going to move over any clothes that fit and process the rest as throw, hang, or flatten. We’ll just concentrate on that back quarter, and then maybe by the end of the night or tomorrow morning, we could have stuff moved over and neat. I would like it done before fishyman comes home and we’ll be out with Joe most the day. Hmm, I could bring that bag of Thom’s stuff to Joe and we could either throw the contents, or he could take it upstairs and have a look at it. I’m only saving it as a way to hold onto Thom. Would rather place that energy in looking up at his picture.
I think one of the advantages of that back room is that it will give Rich a place he can invite Bob. I figure of all people, Bob will be the first invited over. I
would like to see them in the living room, but for guy bonding they can go back there and process fishy thoughts. Be nice if it were in time for this winter, but I’m not holding my breath. I think Rich could enjoy having that private space though, especially since we are sharing part of his bedroom. I wrote fishy face an email and it boiled down to him needing space to process and sort his life.
Somewhere different from the place he was supposed to relax and sleep. Maybe he’ll get the bills out of his bedroom too.
We just finished our dinner. We had a sandwich. Maybe we’ll have something more later. Right now we have to do one of the 20 things we listed. Oh man … I just thought … we have fishyman for part of Monday and we have part of that time for ourselves. There will be more time, just have to move the bags off fishyman’s bed.
We’ll bring it to the back. Just have to do the closet first so we can store bags on top of dresser. Hmm, maybe better yet on top of those boxes in the closet … yes! That’s flat. And, then maybe what we can do is convince fishyman to bring home boxes, so we can pack up those dishes and a few other things that are in the desk. The big sorting can be done later when we have the processing/sorting table up. That’s what it’s officially called now. Might as well throw something away from the front closet too. Remember if you don’t love it … out it goes!
Damn that’s not working. I moved just a few small things and one heavy box off the back shelves and now my back hurts. I couldn’t reach in and grab the particle board shelve. I have to be able to move four smaller bricks too. That’s going to be a feat of magic. Ok, how am I going to do that. I think we extended ourselves with the electrical box. It is very big and has pieces of everything we’ve used over the last many years. I had to just get it from the shelve down to the floor, but it isn’t moved far enough away to not be in the way. I think if I can get under the bricks and boards I will be able to move them. I don’t think I can move off things from the desk without the help of boxes. And, Rich might have to hand them down to me.
Ok, girl gather your wits. This next time we move … we’re going to focus just on the closet. Matter of fact that’s all we’re going to focus on just the closet and maybe the clothes that should go in the new closet. Inside Rich’s room, we can use the rolling chair … that helped with the bags. Ok, we can do this … the time is now 5:30. No grant stuff is getting done and we’re in the middle of a project that should have been started in the morning. 5 more minutes. I’m sure it’s going to work out fine. I have the concept of rolling some of the clothes so they can stack better. Chances are that I’ll never wear those saved t-shirts again, but they are going to stay for the time being as well as that entire sock drawer we’re not using. Just gotta move it. We need to be grateful that we cleared so much of the older stuff away. Ok, just trying to build a case why we want to do this hard stuff first. Ok, let’s look at it sensibly. Let’s slide the big box out of the way, get under the first board and pick it up. If there are more things on the shelve just stack it out of the way for the time being. There is a lot of stuff from the top of that closet that has to be thrown away. Unfortunately, that is going to be a big Rich task. *Glum face*
Let’s go.
Ok, good. Now we’re taking another break. We put two bricks and a board in the new closet, and we took off the stuff on the shelve in the old closet. We moved so when we were done moving the next shelve and bricks there would be room on the floor for the computer/electronic stuff. That poor box is going to give. It’s something though that can be sorted out after Rich brings his sorting table in. I just realized something back there too. There are a ton – over a dozen short particle boards back there from when we were using them for bookshelves. All of the 8 foot boards were thrown along with all but four of the baby bricks. That caused Rich a lot of pain, and I may have permanently disabled one of his heals on that set of movements. I still feel guilt. I think we went through the first two years before we got the bookshelves we now have. Maybe more … I think the first two years was the time it took to put the books up on the old shelves. Then they sat precariously there for another two years, and then that whole system came down for the new stuff. Rich was responsible for all those changes, including building the new bookshelves. I would hope he still has a sense of accomplishment with all that effort. I was probably the worst part of all that. You wait around a couple of years and then you get kinda crabby about the lack of movement or help. It was sorta like that, but you could check the records to be sure.
I was thinking a couple of things while I was in the front bedroom. I think I’m going to move Rich’s smaller chair out into the living room where the new stool was beside the computer table. And, then I’m going to move the new stool from the old chair to that spot between the closets in Rich’s room. That way, he can continue to sit on something putting on his shoes that is more stable, and I can use it to sit while putting things away in the closet, or in taking things out and putting on. I would like to get used to after the new washer comes 3 baskets shared on rich’s side for colored, white, and towels. It’s a step closer in blending his life with my life. Then all I need to do is take out the basket that is the most full and things would be getting washed quite frequently. Maybe two loads of color to one of the white and towels. I like to keep the dirty clothes all in one place to remind us that we need to be washing. I will never ever ever have it as bad as we did when the kids were small and laundry piled up into 14-16 loads at a time. Mercy. I’m afraid I gave that bad habit to Maury … I wish I could have done them better. I’m not sure how bad it is over at Thom and Joes, but I would hope they learned some lesson and are appreciating the washer and dryer in their apartment. If for no other reason … but to keep it civil. I haven’t been invited up, so we’re not asking.
The other thing we were thinking is that we’re going to lower by a foot the shelving units so that the first shelve is only a foot from the ground … we will put on that shelve the things that we don’t use often like the spare socks and t-shirts. That way, things will interfere less with the longer clothes hanging down. I feel good in that the shelves are only a foot wide and back up against the wall. That gives another foot forward for the dresses to lean, and help the closet to look more spacious along with being able to back things up against the wall. Especially if there are slippery underthings that want to crawl forward off their ledge.
Can you believe all that I think about. Must be driving you crazy … you’re thinking isn’t she planning on finishing this run-on blog? Hehehe well, to be honest my fingers do seem to be tiring out. It’s now 6 pm. Lets check on the tv schedule.
Yeegads. There’s a show on right now about the breakdown of Britney as if she’d already been dead. I refuse to watch that … even if stars do interest us. Nope nope. Hmm, at 7 pm that show the office that Maury wanted me to watch. But, I don’t want it to use up my time. Ahh checked it and it’s the one episode that Maury showed us. Wouldn’t you know it … definitely can’t watch that either. Nah … nothing on that I want to see … maybe we’ll be back in time to watch a football game or two. BUT, not college. I’m only a BIT into football. Maybe its time to move another shelve … let’s try it out before dark.
Ok, done that … been there. Both sets of shelves are moved. It looks fine in there so far, but the next step is to move some clothes. Need a break and probably to turn on the fan in that room. Need to move those couple of boxes back into the back closet too. Then I have to set myself up for doing the blankets and pillows, and then we have to move the bags off of Rich’s bed and tidy up in there. We might be talking about some stuff for tomorrow morning. I should be leaving here by quarter to 8 just to make sure we’re not late. That means shower by 7 am with 45 minutes to get ready. Our hair will dry … shoot we got to be leaving 15 minutes early just to take care of getting gas in the car. So let’s say shower by 6:30 am and out the door at 7:30 … that keeps things clean. We need to remember the cell phone. The $20 cash is in the glove compartment. Remember to carry that with us for admission. Let’s hope its not more than that or we’ll be in trouble.
We’re feeling a little queezy … I’m thinking that it might be a good time to have an orange and then our medicine. And, then maybe we’ll be moving the clothes over. I hope most of it is still folded … I think we need to free up a laundry basket. Hmm Chief has pinned Missy in front of me and he’s holding her and she’s tolerating it.
He has no male sex stuff so that’s not it. Is he having fun, or is he angry. Ahh, there … he got off her … she gave him just a little whap. I think it smells a little big like cat back there. I think he sprayed something, but I don’t know what it is … I don’t think he’d go after my suitcase because its on his bed. Oh Lordy, let’s hope not … maybe just from moving things around in there. I am thinking that we’re not going too much farther tonight … and that we better get to bed early. AND, try to sleep in past 1 am. That’s silly stuff.
Ok, orange and meds … brb
Pshwoo … been gone for about an hour. It’s now 7:30 pm. We’ve been at this for a bit of time now. We took out most of the things that were in the dresser and we moved some of the things we still could wear from the back closet to the front. We squeezed the towels together with the other dirty clothes on Rich’s side. And, the most important part is that we set up our closet with the dresser stuff. It wasn’t really a lot and there is plenty of stacking up room. I’m a bit worried though because of the cats either marking their space, or sleeping on my clean clothes. We can do our best to keep the closet doors shut, but I’m thinking that they know how to open them. I think Missy likes sleeping more though on Rich’s dirty clothes.
Umm, for obvious cat bonding reasons. I’m pretty sure that I’m done for the day as to clothes and such. I closed the door in Rich’s room, because I was worried about the cats and all that plastic spread out on his bed. I’m thinking that if it’s going to get done, it might not be until Monday. We’re up too early tomorrow morning to get around to all that, plus get ready and out on time.
I know that it took me a long time to get what we got done, done. But, I’m really happy with the results. I feel the closet is being used more efficiently. And, I’m very excited about the chair in there and being able to have easy access to all my clothes. I think it looks very neat in there. I think there is one more thing I will do. There should be enough room in front of the first shelve to put some shoes. I’m thinking that I’ll include both mine and Rich’s … both of ours is sitting out and around the floor being tripped over. Eh, he’s got my dirty clothes, we’ll take on his shoes. AHA! More sharing!
You would think that I’ve had enough thinking for the day, but I’m still kind of wound up. We should do the shoes though just to make sure that both the cats are out of the bedroom – shut door. We figure though 20-30 minutes and we should be in bed. Just gotta fight the thoughts of getting up in the middle of the morning. We want to sleep through the night. We just need some time now to cool off.
Do you get the feeling that we’re a little obsessive? I know someone else wanted to do the grant work, but it was too hard for me. I wanted to do something special for the planning of smoochie face and us.
We got a call about 10 minutes ago from Him himself! It was a very short call. He said that he would fill in the rest when he got home, but he asked, “Do you know who came in first place again today?” Man oh man you go fish Fishyman!!! The other guy got 3rd place today so that meant that he’s automatic first place for 2006 Angler of the year, but our fishy friend has a good chance of winning the special award given this last weekend for fishing the best on this event. He’s pretty happy about that. I think he’s actually bubbly. Silly goose. He felt kind of bad, because his partner caught the box fish today. But, still there is something to being the best back seater. Ok, ok … shhh … just pretty excited for him. He said that he’s going to give me a call after the weigh in tomorrow. Then we’ll know pretty sure. Oh, I know what its called … it’s “The Classic!” That’s this weekends special event because it’s the longest weekend and the last of the season. And, also because not everyone gets to fish it. They have to have enough pairs so there is front and backseaters, but its set up around the necessary requirements of the first five place finishers. One thing for sure … I think unless Rich gets skunked, I think that he’s going to be beating Bob. That should cause plenty of angst over the winter. But, Sweetie Pie would be on the better end of that so that be ok.
Ok, one last task … better get those shoes set up. BRB. Last task of the day, with the exception of closing the curtains.
Almost time to let my sleepy paws rest. Ok, BRB.
Very good deal … as it turns out there were only 5 pair of shoes involved. I think I’m going to try putting my regular shoes in the closet and getting dressed in their completely. Having the black stool in their opens all kinds of possibilities. We still need to figure out … oh yeah … the clothes are going to be washed more often.
I’m thinking in general about my clothes in the bathroom. We moved our basket in there today when we heard Maury was coming. We didn’t know what to do with it and we figured it shouldn’t be in the living room. Probably should never be there. I don’t think there is enough room on my side of the closet for the basket.
We are doing good on our side as far as hanging clothes, but we noticed that Sweetie Pie is having excess clothes difficulties. I think we can get rid of some of our stuff in the center so that he can put his out of season clothes in there. There wouldn’t be a law … oh no that’s right … we cleaned out the other half of the front hall closet, with the exception of our coats. He can fit some of those clothing things in there. I’m not sure what’s happening with his out of season officiating clothes … we’re thinking that he needs more closet space. I’m really glad he will be taking the front hall closet and giving me one of the closets in his bedroom. It is so neat to be having an excuse to be in his room. He just makes me feel fuzzy all over.
Ok, almost there … we finished the chocolate pudding we brought out for dessert.
Lick-smacking good. We’re thinking that if we don’t want to use up all our morning time, we are going to need closing this up and posting now. I can’t believe anyone would ever want to read over all this … we just kind of droned on … but, I’m grateful for the sense of comradely it gives us. If I don’t say it often enough … let me say it now … thank you for being here. Nighty-night.