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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sunday Morning before CARF - There's always so much more to come

Good morning … this is just me. We’ve been putzing. Last night we were up until about 2 am working on video issues with a new movie we made. And, now this morning, we’ve been working on it again trying to get out the bugs where it is blurred when looking at it with any relative size. We’re doing a back-up plan right now where we’re uploading the original Word pictures so there is an alternative to seeing the pictures without blur. We’re going to give it a try at least … not sure though, I’m hoping it works at least.

It says there is about 60 minutes remaining on the upload … I’m thinking it won’t really take that long, but I have to plan that far ahead just incase. We’re only about 10% done at this time.

SOOOO, that being said … hopefully we can move on. It was a late morning start, because we didn’t wake up until about 8 am. That’s like the latest we want to be starting ANYTHING … Like let’s not sleep the day away, k?

I don’t think we said too much about yesterday, so we’re going to start there.

First off the last big event was that Sweetie Pie called on our way home from the boys. That was very nice. He said he’s caught 6 fishes, but they weren’t the kind big enough to be weighed out. He said because of his partners efforts though he came in 2nd place yesterday … WOOHOOO … that works for us! We’ve been trying to tell him he brings good luck to the fishermen he’s with because he’s such a great accompaniment, which includes super netting hehehe. Good Rich!

He said the guy he fished with yesterday talked a lot and I think that gave Rich most likely a chance to talk about his situation. At least I would hope so. It be good if he could get something off his chest with a guy friend. Hard to tell where the other guys experience in divorce privately or professionally lays. Maybe Rich just did listening, but from the tone of his voice, I think he got to talk too. There’s only a couple of guys he’s talked about as being talkative and this is the first time with this guy … I hope it turns out to have been a good thing.

He says that he is going to be home at about 7 pm tonight if things go according to schedule. He also said *giggle* that he might need a good back rub. YAAYYY!!!

We’ll have to limber up our fingers. When we got the call from him, we were on our way home from the guys, so we pulled over to get the phone. He sure had me in good smiles. I like it too when he calls and I’ve been caught doing good stuff. I was prepared to tell him about the salad we’d had, but then I decided to play low because of the fudge brownie/ice cream we had. I thought for sure someone was going to blurt that out. Sheesh! We’re terrible on secrets. And, since he didn’t ask, we didn’t tell.

I can hardly wait to show him how adorable our grand children continue to be. We’re very happy at how well they both take pictures. Good girls!

Ok, about 1/3 through … probably time to get some more coffee. Hmm, ok … now … as to the boys … we don’t want to say too much cuz we don’t want to invade their privacy, but we did have a very nice time. I think you heard about the part where we did the soccer game, and then met up with Joe later going out for something to eat. It was very nice … Maury took us to Outback … I guess you already heard the part about the brownie/ice cream … that seemed to be unavoidable. It was soooo good … they heated it up so that the brownie was warm and melty along with the ice cream. It was very good. The conversation was excellent … we talked about stuff, but I can’t remember exactly what it was about … I think a little bit of everything. Maury’s only got a couple of weeks more to go and then on to his new job and Joe is still sorting out what it is that he’s going to do next. He had planned to go on some retreat through one of his Dad’s groups, but he decided not to do the money part … I guess his father wasn’t paying and the step-mother didn’t seem too enthused of losing private time with her husband. The boys talked about that for quite a bit in that … they felt that it was hard to get time alone with their father. They also talked quite a bit about their worries over the relationship the step brother is in with his girl. I guess they had good things to say about the relationship the older step-sister is in, but they said the middle step-sibling has gone through a lot of trouble and is not out of the woods. I think they don’t want to see the step-brother who they are closest too fall into the same kind of trouble. I feel for them and applaud their concerns, which seem well-founded.

They did some teasing of me … but not too bad, we’re still playing off of Joe’s illusions on who we are relating too. I worry about not being as available as a back-up home in case he needed somewhere to go other than his fathers. I guess its not going to work out where he will work with his father over the summer. He was saying that the father doesn’t want to give him a false sense of security or delay the inevitable. Joe is worrying about money because there isn’t enough to cover his insurance plus give him some money to live off of. He says that he is having to be responsible for feeding himself and he’s doing it off of macaroni and cheese and ramen noodles. Maybe a little spaghetti. I told him we’d give him a couple hundred dollars, but we’re worrying where that’s coming from along with wanting to give him more. He talked enviously about his best friend Alex being given a couple of big opportunities. Well, at least through Maury’s conversation … Maury seemed to have all the details as well as that he’d graduated last weekend and was coming up to a big party. I guess he’s pretty much settled in with the girl he’s going to be with, so I think that is making Joe feel a little more lonely. I think because of problems with the step’s girlfriend that all chances of Joe settling in with him are pretty much dashed, and as I was afraid that Joe feels pressured not to accept living here because of Rich being here. He reminded us that we’d talked about being around the place and naked. Man … who told him that! Sheesh! Maury seemed to back that up that he heard the same story. Let’s not tell that one to Rich. Basically though, Joe said he would feel bad for coming in between our having fun, even though we said that he is #1 priority. I know if push came to shove that Rich would probably get his own place if it meant us not being available for Joe. I really do wish that it could work out though that we share a place rather than see Joe get in trouble. If he could store most of his stuff at his Dad’s, then it could work out.

I really think that my clothes could fit in the front hall closet, which would give him at least one double closet. I would have to worry about a dresser, but even that could be worked out some way. I don’t think Joe really has a lot of clothes.

We did talk to the boys about some of the changes we’ve been talking to Rich about as to living arrangements. They seem to have followed along as to what’s been happening. They were still thinking along the lines of the three flat and had thought out that Joe could have the third unit. I think if we could help him like that we’d give it a chance, but we’d told him about moving on toward thoughts of getting a nice condo. We’ll have to see … there’s quite some play in that we’ve got 5 months to work something out. I think the best opportunity is if we’d get one of those places that look like the fancy rental apartments – the townhouse kind of arrangement, just nearer in from the western suburbs. I think most of the newest developments though are out in those areas. Just have to wait and see. Rich has his appointment with the lawyer he hasn’t met yet tomorrow and a lot will go from there. I think the guy is very conservative with his time. He’s made it known through his web page that he doesn’t hold anyone’s hand. I don’t know … hoping that he is efficient. Sounds expensive though. I know our bunny friend is worrying about that already. I am glad that he’s going to see someone.

Hmm, about 88% now. We’re getting there.

I guess I remembered more than I thought I would of the meal with boys. I’m glad for that. There’s this other part, I’m not sure we explained yesterday or the day before as to school. I talked to my new advisor – there’s always someone new … she seemed efficient. She said that it would be good for us to finish the last paper if the teacher will accept it – hmm, sudden rain shower … came and maybe went already?

Hmm, anyway … we sent a note to the instructor so we’ll see … might only have a couple of weeks opportunity, this weekend being one of them. I think school for this semester is officially over half way through June. I worry that if I don’t do another semester that I would have to double up on courses further on down the line. I don’t see that happening unless I were to take 3 months off work, which I don’t see happening in the least.

96% Woo HOO

I sure hope it worked, because there was a lot of time investment in uploading … it seems ok. I think I can now link it with my blog page … maybe with the Title, or I could do it from an internal link … Might want to try that … easier to lead into directions for clicking on it. I like that a lot. Might have to go take care of that in a moment. AHA! Files done!

Shoot … having trouble loading the page. I might have to do it over again … got to calm down the impatient part.

Hmm, so the first try didn’t work. I’m trying now a zipped copy, but I’m not sure if it’s a new Word 2007 docx document, or a Word 2003 doc document. We’ll have to wait another hour to see how it goes. We’re trying though. We did get a new medium screen that we’re probably going to show Sweetie Pie, but he’s going to have to be patient to get through a 7 ½ minute video. He just doesn’t plan for that kind of sitting around time. I hope he can be patient. We’ve heard it several times now and love the video, but we might be partial. AHA! That’s a good idea … we’re loading it on the Garvey Group YouTube account now. I seem to have it on the regular account and I’m a little worried about accessibility … I’m not sure if I did it right … I said that it was private, but I’m not sure if I need to go private on a group site … I did it just to make sure though … I don’t want Isa’s or Ame’s Mom to get mad at me for broadcasting pictures. I don’t need that kind of trouble. Shoot … either waiting or it didn’t turn out the second loading … looked at the video on the first one and I’m disgusted with its visual quality. What happened to my pictures anyway? Why didn’t they come in clearer?

Damn … This is a tough one. Well, we’ll see how it goes with the zip video … that’s about 40% loaded … got about a half hour to go. I would feel better if Maury could at least access the pictures. I want him to be so pleased with his team. He’s worked so hard for it. As much as I love the music, I want him to see all of his players’ faces and how hard they are working.

Hmm, more rain … odd. I sure hope it’s not raining on fishyman. They are just sun showers. He’s got about 20 minutes to go before this tournament is closed and they’ll be weighing in … We’ll be seeing Joe today at about 3 pm and fishyman is due back at about 7 pm. The timing should be just about right … sure do look forward to all that ahead!

I’m thinking that maybe I should be cleaning up around here though? Yeeks that doesn’t sound very fun. How am I going to get in my clothes to be washed. Maybe it would be a good idea to send them through the cleaners this time … with CARF coming up? Seems I could use the black dress with black shirt, the green print skirt and green blouse, and one day the pink dress with matching shirt. But, I’m going to need two more outfits cleaned so I don’t use them up first. I have to remember … hair back this week.

Hmm, Missy is here … did any one invite her? They can be awfully inconvenient until they sit down … and she favors of course the prancing before she does that. Silly girl. Hehehe that’s us being ok about it. Yayyyy she left … whoops spoke too soon … seems she woke up Chief and he’s going to want a turn. 61% 22 minutes to go. We can do it, we can do it.

Ok, I’m going to close my eyes and pretend that we have something interesting to be saying. I don’t think so. I already say that we were missing fishyman? Oh ok, just checking.

Hmm, just was looking at some space stuff. They were showing a new robot they were going to test out in a 3000 foot sink hole in NM for usage in outer space. They also showed some pictures that have bee taken lately by the Hubble space craft. I just can comprehend the magnitude of such a thing. I’ve always thought the pictures beautiful, but I’ve never understood the concept of space. Way past me. I think Rich is much better than I am at that because he reads science fiction. I also looked at a story where a woman day care provider apparently killed a 2 year old, because she tied his arms and taped his mouth so he would be quiet during nap time.

Nobody can understand that logic … poor kids dead and another parent swears she’s just the best woman. This coming from the knowledge that she told detectives about the tape. Man person is sick.

Hmm, Joe woke up … we’ll probably not bother him … I would like to get clear pictures before we try to show anyone. Should be thinking of setting up a shower though. It’s just turned noon. 90% complete with the video and at about 6 minutes left. Let’s see be there at 3 pm … so leave at 2:15 pm, shower in then an hour.

Seems about right to me. Hmm, is someone baking? I smell something good, and no not necessarily Chief in front of me … he’s being a regular bother … but not exceptional.

I think I get burned out about the news all the time. Hmm, there was something disturbing … in that in talking to my eldest son … he thinks George Bush is ok and that the war has been necessary … but he says that its just at the very beginning of something much more major – I think he added that Iran would be involved. I didn’t go very far with him, but it made me think that then we are going to be talking nuclear. He doesn’t seem to think that it will be avoidable … and he thought that America would have some consequences here on home grounds. He seemed hesitant to say much, which just served to worry us.

AHA! Files done! Damm … disk quota Exceeded … upload failed after all that time.

I was just worrying about that earlier in using the member name. Shoot … shoot … we opened a third member name … I know that AOL sets limits for FTP Space, but it seems that we need to start a third … The first used was Aynetal3, then AynChicago, now it is going to be KathrynACorey. That’s the good part of being so many people … there are a lot of names to be opening accounts.

Hmm, kitty still isn’t going for the it would be calmer to sit somewhere else idea. Just thinking though it’s 12:15 now … we won’t be eating with Joe until about 3:30-4:00. Maybe we better consider that more dinner and have some lunch now … he says that its “Linner” what we’ll have at that time. AHA food … that sure interests us! We’re going to finish up some cold vegetables and then have some of Rich’s spaghetti. Ok, ok … that’s not big news either.

I refuse to get into that CARF project … and we’re not going school neither. This is mostly about us just taking it easy … ok taking it easy AND avoiding stuff. We’re pretty sure we should pick up and clean the litter box and feed the flowers and start the dish washer BEFORE Rich gets home.

Ahh veggies good … 27% complete and 37 min. left. I wonder how many times I’ve turned my head to see Bob hugging Rich. I sure do hope to meet him some day, though I don’t know how that will be. I don’t know if Rich would tell him, we’ve got multiple personalities. Think he doesn’t look like the type to get all up in psychology. I think he looks pretty old in comparison to Rich, but don’t let him ever know we said that k? I think a person could get in trouble for that sort of thing. Maybe I’m just naïve, but I think that Rich looks young for his age. Maybe it is the boyish face or hair, or lack of hair on his chin. AND, he doesn’t have any significant gray yet. Ok, maybe I’m bragging … going out with a young man – even though he’s 7-8 my senior. I’m hopin that means we’re going to stay lucky in love.

*Sigh* … I think we’ve just spent the last half hour ogling Sweetie Pie’s picture and then looking closely at the picture of some of his other fishing buddies especially Bob. He seems so cool … beside family and me … don’t think there’s anyone who loves him more … cept in there somewhere is also Doug. I think he misses out a lot by being partnered up in the shoe business with someone else, and not going on the monthly trips. I think Sweetie Pie is trying to get out toward his old town so he doesn’t miss too much the time Doug and him spent there. I wonder if Sweetie is doing ok with the calls from kids. Have they been able to get through the time like me without having life crises? I think Rich just calls to hear that our voice is ok … and we’re handling it. Good Rich.

97% complete, about 1 minute remaining. Woo HOO
Ok … seems to have taken now lets try her out.

Eh … we’re not going to talk about it now. We just keep watching the movie … we’ve got about 7 minutes left and we’re going to be leaving to see Joe. He is signed on-line … so we’re pretty sure he’s up … that and its after 2 pm. I’m just so mellow inside. There is this one verse of singing about finding the melody and one of those times Isa hugs her mama real good and its just so poetic.

Ok gotta go …brb