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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Friday trying to start some up.

Good Morning … I know hello stranger  Been a little while since we had a normal post … Seems we’ve been waking up when its time to be showering or we are spending the first moment up with Sunny bunny. Hmm, says I last posted words last Monday … that was about the time we were pretty excited about looking for apartments. As the tides sweep in … we’re now supposed to be looking in another directive …

Whoops didn’t get very far I’m afraid. We were side-tracked into looking at a few condos. It looks like you have to almost go about $350,000 if you’re buying in Chicago. We’d still be looking for a 3 bedroom, but now it seems Sweetie want to live down in Chicago with a lake side view. Only a thought, hmm? I think we better put that thought off for a bit. We’re still here for the next 5 months. Plus, he’s barely started his divorce so hard to tell where the money is going to be. We’ll see.

Most of this week has gone into planning for CARF. Not sure all that’s happened, but I know that we’re using the journal again to list all our work projects. You know the one … where we’re using color dots to assign priority. That was Dr. M’s idea the Thursday before yesterday. We met with him last night … and seemed pretty dazed. I think we talked pretty much about school and work stuff. We also went into a little about Sweetie Pie and then about him and working instead of going to school. We’re not totally sold on the idea, but it seems we’ve painted ourselves into a corner. We’re not doing school, so school is not there … period. I think Dr. Marvin wanted us to realize that we’d taken on a lot trying to expect ourselves to do CARF and school, but we didn’t want to use that as an excuse, but he said that it wasn’t an excuse as much as a reality.

Things got more in-depth than that, but we’re not going heavily into it because of the time. And, there is of course a certain amount of stress because we don’t know how the survey is going to pan out. I could be on track or totally miss bases.

Just not sure at this point. Hmm, seems someone could probably get in the shower.

It’s different now without sweetie pie because we realize when he is here we are focusing on the shared reality we both have. We fall into another routine where we sleep in late, then jiggle-joggle the shower schedule and routines like eating breakfast, coffee, medicine, and hand-carried stuff to work. All the time we’re pretty much ogling him to pieces. Yah, I know, but it happens like that anyway.

Ahh better … that gives me another half hour to be writing. Woo HOO!!!

Ok, what’s the important stuff? You know that Sweeties on another fishing trip right? I think this is only his second, but there’s another one coming up in not too long. I think it’s the July 4th weekend that he’s going to Canada. That’s stands to be corrected. We’re trying very hard not to be envious of all the trips, but we’re going to be ok about it, because truth be hold, I want Sweetie to have the lifestyle he’s earned over all these long years hard work. He was the one that did all that, not me, so it only stands to reason he gets to play. Maybe someday down the line we’ll play more together, but for now we’re just going to work on the work ahead for fitness. We’ve got a long way to go … I’m a little confused on the weight this morning … I think it was a low-16 some. We’ll have to just wait that one out until the next day. We weren’t grasping the number and its relevance to the general score. Maybe tomorrow. I think the number we’re looking for is to best the 15 and 12 marks, and then hold under them. 15 would signifigy at least the first 10 pounds and 12 would signify reaching that mark we had started from before. It’s kinds of a ground zero. Ok, you breath … it’s going to be ok … just have to watch it and NO petty cash!

We botched it up with the money in the bank again … we lost another $66 to bank fees … this time for $5 gas and something else minor. Oh, I know $10 medicine. I was close, but got burned … I don’t think my bank gave me credit for having deposited cash with the check. I should have done them separately. So that’s that … I’m thinking I’m kind of eager to get into work this morning, but lately we’ve been falling asleep the first bit of time. I don’t know why that’s happening except I think my mind is shutting down the work load. I think we might beat some traffic, but then I’d have to stop writing 

Maybe some more hot coffee would be of assistance here? Ahh very good. We took our medicine too. Just need to pour the work coffee and get some fruit out of the fridge and we’ll be good to go. We’re going to be ok. I glanced and saw some books from work – folders that we’re important as to where we left off, but now I’m afraid of looking at them. Maybe I won’t understand the work. We’re going to aim to get to it though pretty close to just after we get in. That be fair, right?

We talked to Dr. M. about the best and worst case scenarios with CARF … we said that it could be over or there was the possibility they might want to come back in another year. That would be a terrible, terrible idea. We would get no break and sister would be very frustrated. No, that wouldn’t be a good idea at all. Ok, let’s not go there.

I don’t have the feeling though that we’ve gone over the material well enough. That she’s going to pull a few things out of the bag and we’ll be up the creek. Hmm, maybe I would worry less if I just left? Why don’t we try that option, k? We’ll post later, and maybe continue from work if necessary.