It's a working Monday
Good morning … it’s me again. Just here – that’s all.We were up earlier, but then got tired after a short while so went back to bed for a while. Now it’s about 6:45 and we’re up and tired again. We went to review what we wrote yesterday, but kept falling asleep. Maybe we should be focusing on drinking some coffee and staying up. Hmm next trip up … we’re going to need to take medicine and probably eat breakfast too. Shoot, shoot things starting to overwhelm.
Because today is a Monday morning, we’re going to need concentrating on doing work. This should be good for us. But, because we’re late, we’re on the mid-morning schedule for going to the gym. We told the laundry people we would be there about 11 am, so that works too. I think we are going to need making that one extra trip where we stop by to take care of our coat. That didn’t get done yesterday. We did, however, get the car cleaned up as far as the front and back seats. We didn’t open the trunk to see how bad that might be. We’ll see when we take the coat out of the trunk. We remember thinking it was too heavy to bring up along with all those clean clothes. Hmm, Chief is finally done with me, and now it seems like it is Missy’s turn.
Sure is making it hard to type. Shoot. She’s going to need readjusting … Good kitty. I’ll do fine unless I need to use the mouse. That will upset things. Good thing cats are adaptable.
I did some reading on cats last night, though I’m not sure why. I think we were just wanting some play time, so we opened the on-line encyclopedia and read about cats. We learned a few new things … like I didn’t know what kind of kitties we had, but it turns out they are kind of rare in that they are tiger colored, but black. I guess that’s pretty unusual. I know their father was a black cat and the mother striped. Our cats are pretty black, but in the right light you can see a slight striping. It’s not very obvious, but I know its there. We got to see the insides of what our kitties looked like and that was a little scary. We learned also about their third eye-lid and retractable claws. It was in all pretty cool.
Shoot, we keep falling asleep … I think it is partly the warm kitties. I shooed her off. I went to bed at 8 pm last night so it couldn’t be that. Hmm our friend is on maybe say hi to him before taking our medicine. Hmm, we got a “hold on.” Hmpf!
Ahh that’s better. He was just finishing something. He got done with 5 somethings last night and has another 5 to go. That was good because it means he is doing good business. He’s a hard worker. He checked me out as far as my tasks go too. He says, did you do this, did you do that? Yes dear. Yes dear. Hehehe. Sometimes I think he is my Mother Hen. It’s nice though, because he knows how hard it is for me to leave the house on a weekend, so he is very apt to say good work! I think I need those kinds of incentives. He said he might drop by for a short while tonight. I told him that would be nice and then he said you are nice and then we said you are sweet *giggle* well, anyway you get the drift. And, he threw in a good morning beautiful too. That goes a longggg, longgggg way in any woman’s book!
Ok, breakfast, medicine, and “hot” lover taken care of hehehe so far so good.
Next …
I’m either going to need starting work, or I’m going to need to take a shower. Hmm. Need to take a few minutes to figure that out. I’ve had four days off and my work mind is tucked away somewhere. Maybe I better take that shower and wake up a bit first. That help the medicine take affect too by giving us the time. I can do this right? Ok, you … get going!
Woo Hooo! Shower done … feels great! Didn’t quite make it to dressing yet though. I’m going to need first put some lotion on my feet because they are pretty sore and then I’m going to need to decide what to wear. It’s either a more uncomfortable shorts/shirt that is cleaner, or the more comfortable set that isn’t as clean. Shoot, shoot … this is the kinda thing that could slow a person down. Better make a quick decision.
Pshwoo … that was hard … made a decision to go with a little of both. Not so happy with the short set, but we’re willing to go for it for the clean factor. This is the one shorts outfit we had had before we got the new stuff. I much prefer the polo and color variety of the new stuff than the old. But, we gots to get some of the new stuff washed. Yesterday, we got in a couple of kitchen sized garbage bags of dirty clothes and towels, but we saved the new towels for a load to do at home along with the last outfit we’d worn to the gym. We know we have enough money now in change, so the big deal would be to try to get that load in the downstairs wash. We’re going to need negotiating those stairs though. We’re not quite up to that yet.
We’re going to give Missy a little time wrapped between our arms before we go to get the lotion and putting on of our shoes. She’s not got very good cuddle time with us yet, because we keep getting up to do something else. Poor baby. I still don’t know how they can look so comfortable with my hands bouncing around on the keyboard, but I guess kitties are like that … God Bless them!
So, where to go from here. What can I get thought out without having to get up yet. Let me think. It seems like we are up more now … that’s a good thing. Hmm, maybe we better think through what it would take to get out our work. I’m not sure where we left off with that. I should probably check in with the intern today to see how she is coming along. Maybe we’ll do that the next time Missy is up. The next is to think through which project we are going to be working on. It seems that we have either annuals or CARF … I think Sister intends for us to do CARF on Mondays. Last couple of weeks we have been working harder training the Intern to be doing the goals. We’re hoping she has a leg up on that today, but of course, we’ll check. We have three staffings this week … two on Wednesday and one on Friday. Pretty sure there is some work there to do. It most likely will have to wait until tomorrow when we are back. Kind of pick up the pieces as to what is left to do.
That means that today, we should maybe write a couple of reports. I think we have two short ones coming up. One on human resources and I don’t remember the other one. But, I think its short. I’ve got to pick up the pace because I am so far behind. It’s pretty incredible. Ok, ok … we’re not going to get bogged down in all that … better concentrate on what we can do next. I think we are going to need spending some time after work at work on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. I think there are doctor appointments on Thursday and I know tonight our friend is thinking of coming over. How now am I going to be able to push myself harder with work??
I know concentrating on fitness is a good idea, but we need to do a little more. Actually a lot more. I think one of the things that has helped us in moving from one thing to another is to do the video instead of the writing. It is hard though because the writing like right now feels so incredibly good for us. It is where we feel most at home. It’s not that the words we’re saying are so important its more that we feel we are moving at “our” pace. Starting the video though helps us in that we can do more without actively thinking, in that we can remember to talk or say something, then get absorbed into a project where we are not paying attention to the recording process. It doesn’t bother me to have the video taping two hours of us not saying anything. Hmm, might be really boring though in that we don’t have access to the music because of our bad debt. Hopefully that will straighten itself out this week. I should pick up a check tomorrow from sister. Maybe even the check for the CD/DVDs. That would help a tremendous amount. So afraid to look at my financial statement without it. We know it’s the worst it has ever been as to being in the hole. BUT, we’re not going to go there yet either. Doesn’t do any good to worry about it … Just have to wait out the time until this next check clears, and then see what is left of it.
Ok, anything special to get started on the reports? I think we are going to need the camera case so we can get out the flash drive and we are going to need the CARF book and the white folder. I think that is about it … we need the one white folder that has the accessibility information in it. I think we are going to be able to do it. We are thinking about going to the gym first to get that over, but then we think we might just be avoiding starting the work. AND, since our hair is still wet, maybe we should have the work at least set up. Still waiting on the kitty to get up. Hmm washroom soon. Maybe that is coming up real soon. Ok, ok … remember when we stand up … we need to get the lotion, shoes and socks, AND the above forementioned books. We can do this … maybe it would be a good idea to clear away some of the cups and glasses from the desk too. Hmm?? What do you think? Maybe get a fresh cup of coffee from it?? Shoot … the kitty is so gosh darn comfortable. Hate to interrupt it … as soon as we get the work stuff out, she won’t be able to stay here. What do they do without me during the day anyway?? I must have really hug-deprived kitties. They are soaking this up. Can’t imagine what I’ve done to their psyches after a lifetime of preferring smoking over holding them while we type. Ok, ok … let’s not beat ourselves up … all that is over. I think it is about 77 days of not-smoking … I think we’re going to stay non-smokers. Yesterday, when we went to the gas station for gas and window scraper, we noticed the sign on the window saying that a popular brand was selling for only $7.17. Oh man that’s just too terrible to imagine!
Hmm, I think we’re giving the kitty about 13 more minutes and then she is getting the boot. Last weekend we had worked on setting up goals and we had decided that if we monitor each hour that we’d be more successful in seeing things through. We haven’t done that over this last five days and we are wondering if we shouldn’t give it a try now. Both computers at home and work have the Lotus Organizer program, so we are thinking that we should simply record what has happened each hour and to try working at least one hour ahead in scheduling out the next hour. I think however, we are going to make them 50 minute hours for the time being until we get used to things so we can evaluate the progress and establish new goals. So that will be our organizing time. It’s ten minutes to the hour right now, so why don’t we give that a try. Whoops there goes the kitty too .. perfect!
Ok, we’re here again it’s now 9:15 am and we’ve started to categorize the outlines for the next reports. We think we are going to do one on safety and attititude toward a health and safety report. We are going to do a report on human resources through the information on employees, and we’re going to do a strategy report through communication issues such as CARF, QHSP’s, committees, reports, case reviews, and policies and procedures. That gives us three reports with a goal of completing two. Since we would really like to incorporate in the safety report incidents from the book at work, we will concentrate on the short human resource paper first and then do the second one on what we’ll consider strategy. I think that’s pretty good.
So, the next thing would be to set-up the outline for the HR report. Think that meant reading through the topics and arranging them per some category or another … Not sure what that will be though, I better take a look.
Let’s see …