Saturday Morning
Good morning … it’s us. We’ve been up for about a half an hour and did some usual waking up kinda stuff. It’s 4 am now. There was just a bad kitty thing. We took care of it as much as we could. But, need to steel our nerves a bit. That’s all we’re going to say about that. OHHH AND noone’s hurt, don’t worry.But, it certainly deserves a HMPF!
Well ok … we’ll say, but we’re pretty miffed about it. One of our kitties decided to use some plastic bags for you know what … they had been left over from our laundry. So, we threw away the bags and put the garbage bag outside our door, BUT that doesn’t mean it’s over … Bad idea to be using my bedroom for their spot. Thinking I should do something special with the carpet there but we’re not sure what. There we made sure the kitty proper place was picked up too … Didn’t want them blaming us for not doing our part. HMPF, HMPF!
Ok, need to calm down a bit … my back is aching pretty bad from all the bending and carrying. Ok ok … got to settle down… More coffee? Thanks … got a half cup let me finish that first.
We have good kitties right? They were just saying you have to do the litter box more often. We listened … Just not happy. Shhhhhhhhhhhh…
Ok, where are we now. Ohhhh kitty wants to come up and be nice again. Not sure if we’re in the mood for that yet. Damm are they subtle. Ok, he can lay on our arms, but we’re not petting him. ……………………………………………………
Ok, new subject … AND NO, I’M NOT KITTY-WHIPPED!
Deep breath … Good girl … another?? Deep breath … very good.
Ok … so now what happened yesterday you ask?? Well, thank you for thinking of us. Ummm anything happen? We had Thinking Group … that was kind of nice. We played games and took pictures. We wanted to mix up the people because I thought they were getting too standoffish by only associating with people in there own close circles. We played games like gatherin all the people who did Karaoke, or all the people who rode horses, or saw an ocean, or ate peanut butter. We took pictures of each. Then we did a game where everyone had to help the featured person come up with a word that matches the first letter in their name. For both the first game and this one … we wrote on a sheet which thing they were responding too. I tried to get everyone involved. And, then we also played a game where three people had to come up at once and find 3 things that were the same between them and the other two. Those groups held signs saying, “Winners!” Basically, we got our ideas from key search on getting to know you games. The last game we did was to play “friends of …” game where we had people who liked others stand up to have a picture taken with them. That was pretty cool too and helped with some of the quieter people who don’t always volunteer for some of the other games. They were pretty proud to have their picture taken with the others who were cheering them on … we also had them say nice things about the quieter people and that sign was in the picture too.
Oh oh … getting tired again. Maybe cuz of warm kitty? Shoot, shoot.
Hmm. We fell asleep for a while … It’s now 6:30 am. Maybe we slept at our keyboard for a couple of hours. We didn’t make it past here.
Ok, umm now about 8:45 am. V finally woke up so we talked for a while, but then I got grouchy all by myself and then I talked to our friend and then cuz we were even grouchier … we cancelled him coming over because 9 pm too late for a date where we don’t make it past the bedroom and then we got Deb’s Pumpkin card and that helped some, but not enough to stay up that late.
We did get the camera batteries out and am charging them and we got a call from our son … we’re going to plan leaving the house at 11 to be there about noon for our Granddaughter’s 1 pm soccer game. Then maybe out afterward for something to eat. Then home … we won’t want to make it a real late night there either. Just wanna see her play. I’ve been thinking of her this week running with her team … Now, we want to see that for real life.
Oh yeah and V’s definitely signed off. He’s gotta go take care of stuff. Our sweetie has a game this morning, probably some work around the house this afternoon, and his son’s wrestling meet after that. BUT, again we’re not entertaining at THAT time of NIGHT. We can here him now … “be nice, let me go home … I’m tired.” Well, NO FAIR IF YOU START TIRED! Play and run HMPF! In case anyone’s listening this is an old car that needs to be warmed up first! Drop in on me after not talking all week at 9 pm … Yeah, right! That’s going to happen … HMPF, HMPF!
Ok. Ok … realize our bad mood hasn’t improved much. We just got some more coffee maybe that will help. We’ve had medicine, breakfast, and ice water too. Hmm, now I’m thinking of taking a shower. Should I do it now or in an hour. Maybe help our mood now, but then again … so might writing. Hmm better wait … batteries in there and I don’t know if they’d be affected by steam. We’ll give them that hour.
Mind’s not really moving much right now. Feel kinda tired yet. More coffee! Let me see if we can conjure up a thought. Hmm…
I know one thing … you remember that client we had given the CD Collection goal and then we had given her the bag??? About 8:30 am yesterday, we remembered that we had left it on her desk and we figured she’d be in by now. So, we walked over to that room to check it out. Heeheheh low an behold it was the center of attraction. The DSP didn’t know what it was about so she had put it up toward the front, but we said, no noooo that’s HER bag now. Then we explained how stuff was and such. There was some problem in that the room had quite a few people who all of a sudden wanted to work on that goal too. But, I told them that just because one person gets lucky that everyone is. I told them I had gotten the bag free and it’s just the way things sometimes work out. I don’t know how many of them understood that, but we skidaddled out of the room. We saw the girl next walking down the hall to go to the Thinking Group. She had her new bag and folder with her. We had told her, she could bring the bag home on Friday’s, but that it would have to come back again on Mondays. She seemed to understand.
At the beginning of Thinking Group it started all over again with envy over that bag when she showed it for the first time to people in other groups. She was just so gosh darn pleased. Made us feel warm and fuzzy. But, we realized five minutes into the session that she hadn’t put the bag down. She was holding it tightly on her lap. We teased her and said … okkkkk you need to put the bag down! That started off another round of ruckus. Bunch of mother hens those people her friends! I know she hasn’t had a chance to explore the bag proper and that she’ll do it over the weekend. Never did I see a girl more positive in bringing home homework. Her DSP said she would work with her on Monday to further the goal. I just love it when things come together! We’ve been working very hard at making goals that everyone can get into. This particular person has been a little spacey. We are taking that up a notch in helping her to concentrate properly on a subject that is highly interesting to her. We’ve done it before … like with one client who has an interest in science … we’ve structured goals so that he can delve into it and he’s loved it!
We’ve had another goal meeting for a client coming up this Wednesday. It was a hard thing to do, because the DSP started off so negatively stating she couldn’t do anything with this person. Things got worked out within the next half hour, but it was kind of up in the air for a little bit. I had to get over our frustration in that we didn’t think the DSP had given it enough effort, but we continued to listen to her frustration and through that she talked about the things she was doing. As it turned out those things we’re good things, so we captured that moment and built from there. We made formal goals out of things that WERE working for this person. The last time we had met she was only working 20% of the time. The DSP although complaining about the amount of time, is assisting her to do work by sitting with her and guiding her through it. If we can all get past the guilt in taking time away from all for one, it really works out. This person had lost her father a couple of years ago and her mother’s been very depressed. This extra attention is exactly what is needed. And, the calm caused is well worth the effort, because before this that time was utilized by the client in causing her peers frustration through poor behavior due to her displaced anger.
So … that is that. I felt pretty good about what was going on. We have one so-so goal we’re going to continue in getting her to write smaller, but then we have another goal where for ten minutes the DSP and client will just sit together and work out the selection of a radio station that the client might like to listen to. Then at the end of the session, she’ll have to choose from one set of six faces the one that most appropriately covers her mood – you know happy, sad, angry, etc. That is part of the last goal. I had figured before someone can change their mood, they have to first be conscious of what there mood is and what other options there are. Then the last goal is that at least twice weekly for five minutes the individual is going to help pass out papers or supplies and during that time, the DSP will walk her through it, guiding her so that she doesn’t be mean to people or skip them, because she doesn’t like them, or really the case of more displaced anger. She likes to help, but needs more guidance. Soooooooooo. Again, that’s that.
Let’s see next?
Hmm, you already knew the reports had been written at least a couple and that we’d put them in new folders with slip covers. We weren’t able to get back to that, but we did advance a few other things. Sister complained a couple of days ago saying the files should be caught up … We’re only like 19 documents out of 84 in being caught up, but realizing that’s still not good enough, we took the time and called everyone that was concerned after having sent them a letter 2 weeks ago. But, this time … Sister yelled at us for not making better use of our time. HMPF! Next job I have I’m going to want to be yelled at for stuff I’m not doing, not the stuff that I’M SUPPOSED to BE DOING!
So, since officially the Intern is caught up on the Qnotes … After about 3 years being behind!!!!! We decided to hand over the file project to her. We’d made careful telephone notes as to where everyone was at. Now it will be her job to follow through. We handed it over in good shape. I’m pretty sure the other QHSP isn’t this organized and I’m thinking by now the Intern can appreciate being able to learn doing things the right way. I’m not saying I had exactly a right way either, because I was behind, but I trust the Intern or with a little more of our help … will help her come up with a system to keep better caught up. And, in comparison where I have been the last few years, we are in great shape. Before it was a struggle to come up with 4 good files. Now, we are working on about half the caseload of 21 is good files. There will be a little more work too, in that my understanding is that I’m going to get client 22 on Monday. I think it is a guy and that he is going to be going to the lowest group. That’s ok. Just have to double up trying to get him to fit the annual schedule in 4 weeks. There might be a few more too, but we’re ok.
At this point, we only have 9 more annuals for the year … or, 10 with the new person. We handed the Intern back almost all the annual work, except for to do goals and inserts. Last moment we thought she could take over the goals for yesterday’s meeting, but she said she wasn’t ready yet. So, we said fine. After the meeting, we asked if there were questions or concerns about how we had done things. She said no. Unfortunately asking questions is not something she is good at. She said she’s about 80% ready. The part she said she might have trouble with is putting things according to numbers. I told her we were doing it, but I was unsure how. I told her we would watch ourselves this time, and then let her know how we’d done it. It’s part of the problem of being a multiple … we all chip in, but don’t pay attention to who’s doing what. I felt pretty good about that. I think I can teach her the inserts part easier, because she has been taking notes of the meetings and that’s what we’re using for the material put into the inserts. There’s three parts – explaining the clients needs met through old and new goals. Then the part of needs being met in the general groups, and then needs being met from out in the community. There is some flexibility with this area, because a lot of it is going from the information that was stated during the meeting. Only way to really learn is track down the process and then try it to see what works for you and what doesn’t. Takes some major courage points though.
The goal is that by the end of these next 10 clients (second half of the case load) she will be a superstar in knowing the clients and in knowing how to do annuals. I also told her yesterday that since we were handing most the responsibility for the annuals over to her that she would have to make the necessary schedules. That meant that we’d make ourselves available for goals according to her time table. We told her we were available from 2 pm on and that she should just let me know when we are needed. I think that gives her the ultimate control she is going to need. I know it is a pretty big package to handle, but I also saw the firm appreciation in being entrusted to handle and create her own system. I believe she has that much going for her. And, I know it has to be done to release me over to CARF. I also let her know that we were her back-up so if she gets herself jammed up to just let us know and we will intervene. We are still going to be using the annual system of keeping the specific meeting material in folders on top of my desk. I placed all 9 out in the order they are going to come down. I had scheduled and confirmed meetings with the next 5 people. So, she will only need to schedule the last 4. Pretty good.
I was also pleased that she made good use of the meeting she went to Thursday for the ICAP. She took good mental notes and was able to explain what had happened and it seemed she had picked up confidence points. As to between the difference in methods of myself and the other Q, the instructor told her to take a middle ground and use a combination of both as long as there was time. Cool, cool. Good advice. I think the Intern will have a whole different attitude on it now, because she has been specifically trained for it. She was surprised there were so few people at the meeting and that many of those there had been doing the report for quite sometime and noone seemed to have knowledge of doing it proper. The instructor made sure to say … I am going to teach you how to do it my way. I liked that a lot. Shoot … one thing though I forgot to tell her to hand in her certificate is she got one to Sr. after making a copy for herself.
Ok, ok …we’re doing it. We just wrote the intern a little note. We gave her the information about the ICAP and reminders that we were working at home now on Mondays and to call with questions or concerns or write emails. We want to be her #1 resource, but not undermine her ability to do the job. She’s been given a good 3 months training and has learned a lot. I felt a little out of place when I realized staff was going to her to answer questions. I will probably talk this over with Sr. Tess. While its very good that staff trust her, they may be doing it because she is softer than me. On the negative side, I’ve been the one responsible as the trainer and computer person to answer their questions. If the questions don’t come to me, I won’t know what’s going on. On the other side I’m very busy so appreciate not having to take care of the lite stuff, but then on the other hand, I don’t think that Sr. Tess is going to like the DSPs diverting the Interns schedule any more than she had liked when they diverted mine. Ok, ok … feel better about that now too. We just wrote a note to sister. We’ll hand it over to her and let her do with it as she may.
Yeeks. Now it’s 10 past 10 … better get in the shower … brb.
Ahh, refreshed! Sure is nice to not have all the cigarette smells on me. V’s still right on track with that and is losing some substantial weight!!! Unfortunately, we are going in the wrong direction weight wise, but have made headway with the smoking. Monday, on V’s Birthday, we will have completed 2 months!!! WooooHOOOO!!! We also talked with the hypnotist this week … he says we’re all signed up WITH friend for a weight loss session on November 2, 2006 at 7 pm. That gives us about 5 weeks to come up with a healthy eating plan. We might need to devote some of our time and attention to health issues. Pretty sure with V taking glucose readings that we are going to convince ourselves that we need to do the same. Another healthy measure would be to make a doctors appointment. Think it’s over 6 months now maybe toward a year … don’t remember. Just been awhile. I would have to stop by for some standard tests that I didn’t do before … that should be done before the appointment, because we often don’t make it back to the next appointment where she reads the results. And, we haven’t done a few things she told us to like the fasting cholesterol test and the one for sleep apnea. And, I’m pretty sure that test where they can check your last 120 days of sugars isn’t going to go well. It will pick right up on our “Fritter days.” Yeeks … wall just fell on me.
I think something else we should really be doing is to read that one book we bought … hmm, where did I put it? *Sigh*
Yup, yup … it was right behind the couch where we left it … HMPF!
This is the book from the US DHHS Department of health and human service. It’s 340 pages long and called, “A healthier You: Everyday healthy eating and physical activity for life based on the dietary guidelines for Americans”
This is about where we’d gotten to before jumping off the bandwagon. We talked to him and he said that the hypnotist thing kind of requires that you know what kind of diet you want to follow. I figure I should go into the session knowing all about the healthiest plan I can get to know. NO FAD DIETS … we’ll we said that, not him. His plan is designed to work with any diet you come up with. BUT, we want the HEALTHY one. AND, if it means buying our own food again instead of our friend buying it … then that is the way it is going to have to go. Cuz, we’re pretty sure that as easy as it is to pick up a dozen stackables of crackers, cheese, meat and cookies, it’s probably pretty low on the good for you scale. We’d been going with it primarily because it was easy for him, good enough for us, and high on the low maintenance that we seem to require top priority. Ok, ok … we’ll have to work that into the schedule. Today it is pretty gloomy out there. We’re not sure whether or not that’s going to affect the soccer. But, we are going to go for it just in case. I would like to see a couple of movies this weekend, I would think we could take our healthy book and go outside on the balcony to read … Remember, we used to like that. Now that I’m thinking of it – we have one more book we should probably read. It was a comprehensive book on being a diabetic. Gosh, we sure are having a hard time with that one. We are very apt to disengage from it … pretty much straight up denial. Handy when you are as dissociative as we are, but not so healthy. I think that it will be ok … we’re just going to need working at it. By the time of the food hypnosis, we’ll have 3 months of non-smoking under our belt. Most important thing to remember is that we can never have just one more. Because it would start an avalanche. AND, we don’t want that.
Hmm, better put on my shoes and socks. Hold on. Remember to get batteries from bathroom too. Yeah right … this kitty thought he was going to sneak in and not have me notice! Wrong! I’m here and I seen … well, actually I didn’t see him sneak into my arms. But, that would help explain how dissociative we are. HMPF!
Ok, ok … that’s done … still got 15 minutes. Ok, what else? Hmm, I think I should call my son when were about ready to leave and tell him we’re on the way. Then he won’t worry about us so much … ok ok … good idea.
We were going through our weekend plans. I think we should only see movies if we’ve been good. That means we have to do some work. I don’t think though I will get home today until 5 or 6 pm. Not too much time today for work. But, we better watch a movie tonight, because going to your GD’s soccer game is being a good Ann. Let’s see … something else we were playing with that we’d like to follow through on is that specially since we are going to be staying home more, we would like to have the house in a little better condition. We’d done this before with some effort, no reason to think we can’t do it again. The hardest part before was vacumming and so maybe for that our friend would help especially if we did all the rest. I think kind of what we are talking about again is in getting us in better shape all around.
We tried very hard at Dr. M’s to stay here in the present. Someone was monitoring us just for that and we got zapped a few times. Point is that if we are talking about something with someone and it isn’t about that someone specifically, then we are not in the present. As for right now shhooot gotta go … our friend called back and now it’s 11 am and we gotta go. He’s complicating stuff … he says he has to bring food, but now I gotta be home by 5:30, but he says I don’t have to be that he’d just go and come back after watching his son at 9 pm, but we said we don’t want him to, but he said if I want him to go after he gets here we can tell him to go, but we never do that because we want to see him, but we don’t want to see him where there isn’t enough time to sit over a casual dinner, cuz his way there’s only time for sex. We like sex, but not the speed kind I think we’re going to cry, cept he said we have to be in our good Ann so we can go watch soccer. So, I better go. Whooops call son.