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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

All in a Day

Evening …

Things continue on here. We’re about at the end of Day 2. There were earlier pictures this morning and now there are a few more. This one is where I ate lunch. Umm, the Pasta Petite. I found this was named Pasta Petite, because they give you small portions of pasta. HMMMM….

Ok, so you probably know we weren’t going to go for that.

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This next picture is a picture of Pasta Petite’s parking lot. Pasta Pete had some nice paintings that someone the owner most likely knew painted of “ghetto-type” living in Italy. Well, they weren’t “T’s,” but nice enough and they filled up the walls. But, he wouldn’t let us take pictures. Well, we didn’t like that idea. So, when we got out to our car we took a picture of his building. He’ll probably loose sleep, especially since I took a picture of his parking lot too.

Now as far as parking lots go. Eh. Why don’t we move on …

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When I came home, we found that dog had obviously been talking to the Maid. He had gotten out of bed, but she said to him … most likely … here sir, let me make you more comfortable. Would you like an after sleep mint sir? Obviously, you can tell by the smile on Dog’s face that he thinks this is pretty good service. I told dog watch it, no room service, no loud tv., and if you don’t get on the right path, your going to end up swimming in the duck pond! Hmpf. That quieted him right up!

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I’m not sure if this next picture was such a good idea. It is a little gross to see food past its prime. It looked better at the restaurant. Well, actually bar. We ate a little of our dinner, and then we pretty much slushed it down with a couple umm well sorta like a couple Bloody Mary’s … But, to be fair … we brought with us our text book. We managed the first 16 pages about Piaget. For those who may not know Piaget … he was a world renowned child developmentalist … one of the first who made a name for himself, and probably still the most famous. Today, I learned some cool stuff about his work. I never figured it out, but I think I am going to remember his four stages now. The first is sensor-motor because that’s all infants do. The next stage is pre-operational, which means 2-4 years … it’s before they can hold objects in their mind. This is also an interesting part because they can start thinking of themselves. It is called pre because at this stage they can’t think of concepts that aren’t objects. Try telling a three year old she did something wrong … like wrong? What’s that. They can think … that word usually means steam is coming out of mama’s ears and that she should go play quietly with toys in her room. Concrete operational is they can hold objects in their mind, and they can manipulate them. And, formal operational is when they also think of things that are abstract. This happens out the age of 11 or 12. The new Piaget people are now saying there is a 5th stage of being able to find problems. This is pretty cool … I think if you know what the problem is you can solve it. They also talk of dialectic thinking … this is where you discover that the world isn’t in black and white and that there are different ways to solve problems, but rather a progression of beliefs gained through synthesis. Pretty cool, Hmm?

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Umm, this next picture is a picture showing the affect of alcohol on the brain. Let’s not make a usual habit of this girls, OK??? We don’t keep alcohol at home, but it sure seems to be the thing to do while at a hotel. I think my father taught me that. *Sigh*

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The next picture is Ann exploring what happens when you take pictures with flash while looking in a mirror. Umm, we haven’t quite figured out how to work this camera all the way. But, it felt like Ann going off to her first day of school … CARF school. Had to catch that one. I’d say we looked beautiful, but our friend would say we ALWAYS look beautiful!!! BTW … our friend called last night. It appears he’s now #1 top place in his fishy group. YAYYYYYYYYY!!! Just goes to prove that hard work will get you anywhere!

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Ok, by now we are having a great time with flash. Hehehe obviously, this isn’t the way to do it either. But, I figured you could figure we were starting to relax again after a hard day CARFING.

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This is our last picture for the day. This is someone not on her web camera. We need to be more careful or that first chin is going to develop a twin. Other than that … we think the effect of the flash in this one is pretty cool. It is like I have a brilliant fairy off my left shoulder.

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This morning our daughter-in-law put up some new pictures of our Grandchildren. I think it’s ok if we put up just a couple. She didn’t like it so much when we swiped a bunch. These are our new favorites! Whoops forget that idea … I think our dil figured out how to make the pictures non-swipeable. *Sigh* No other comment.

Whoops … better get in that shower … there’s only an hour left before the meeting. Kind of lost ourselves in the pictures of our Grandchildren. Our dil is adding more commentary now too. It seems our eldest granddaughter after just turning five can count to 112 now. Man … I very distinctly remember our kindergarten report card having places for those kids who could count up to 30 and another place for kids just learning 10. There is a lot to be said about parents realizing how much they could do with their child prior to school. I think Ame’s parents and Grandma do a lot of reading with her. She’s already got concepts for thousands and millions. Shoot, they just don’t make kids the way they used to. So gosh darn proud of her. GOOOO AME!

Ahhh … shower done … reread …

Ahh, obviously someone didn’t figure out that silly flash attachment yet. We’re up to here in getting ready. We have a half hour to go … sure hope our hair dries faster. This is the second new dress. There were a whole lot of young girls here who had graduated a school for beauticians yesterday. Pshwoo. Lotsa skiiiiiiiiny little girls. Eh, but then again that wouldn’t be us. Let’s say for a big person, I am ok. Ha I still like myself!!! Need to figure out flash though, K?

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Obviously dog is still making the most of being on vacation. I said, “Come out of there!” He said, “Nope!” I said, “Come out of there RIGHT NOW!” He said, “giggle, giggle.” I said, “I’m opening the door now … we’re going to see those ducks!” I could see he was thinking of saying, “Quack, quack…” But, in the end … he didn’t dare. We just walked away though. If he wants to play around waiting for the maid to come back … well, that’s really none of my business, but if he think we’re leaving a tip! He’s gotta another thing coming. He’s probably getting massages. He’s just tooo happy.

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Yup, yup the car’s still here. I wasn’t sure if Selma would take her out by herself. There’s a chance something happened last night that I’m not aware of, but they both seem to be back and in tip top shape. I’ll know for sure when I check the gas gauge. I rarely have ever looked at my car without thinking she's a black horse/chariot combined. So, quite naturally I would leave her hitched up in front of the watering trough. Yes, this is the way my mind thinks. *Sigh*

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Better get a move on … we’ll want to post these pictures before we leave. Wish us lotsa fun!!!