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Friday, April 07, 2006

ACK ... We're remiss ... AGAIN!

Good morning. It’s me. Hey, we’re up early this morning! It seems like the topic of the morning is something to do with being organized. Kitties are what keeps me organized … You may not think it, but this kitty is sitting back of my right shoulder giving me all of the morning’s orders. And, this is AFTER she’s been fed, watered, and let outside.

TJ, this is how you keep it all together. Whoops now she’s on the other side of the camera sulking … Missy is saying, “You know I don’t like the morning pictures before I floss!” HA! That’ll teach her!

We’re not going to spend too much time writing this morning. It’s almost 2:30 am and we need to get a paper written. This teacher has set deadlines for Wednesdays and Saturdays for handing them in. Plus, there will be a psych lab and journal due as well as the final paper. Yeeks!

We did some good Ann’s yesterday. We finished the organizing part to the CARF accessibility stuff and then went into the third section on Information processing. It’s the hardest of the 15 books we work on … I left a summary of the day at work, that I will catch up on Friday, so we’re not going to go into it here, but take my word for it, it was good work.  We were pretty focused all through the day … felt good.

We also made an appointment to see the tax person after work AND stopped at the bank to deposit a couple of checks. The good part??? It's really good. Because of about $1500 in credits from going to school, I am going to get a deposit back for a few dollars short of $2,000. We broke exactly even on the State part. There were some questions raised. The same H & R Block did my taxes for the last 3-4 years. They said that this year although I got a 3% raise last July, I earned about $670 less then the year before. You know that is going to be questioned. That was gross figures before she took out insurance. It'll have to though wait until I return Friday. I also got a copy right away for my youngest son in case he'll need my information for one more semester school loan.

The bad part? I'm going to have to wait 1-2 weeks before it auto-appears in my bank account. Hehehe I paid $125 H & R, it took an hour, and I paid extra for $29 insurance that says if I'm audited they go to court for me. Last, it cost $25 in fees to get direct deposit, BUT it comes about a month faster, so I think we did ok. I haven’t figured out too much with the money yet … where it’s going. I think I owe Dell computers about $1,000 of it though. I still have $300 on the $1,000 that should have gone to them, but then there was a series of little things like the cameras and the phone, and there must have been something else. Cuz about $400 isn’t accounted for … hold on. Hmm, seems I paid an extra $100 each on cable and car insurance, then there was the $100 I needed for the Norton virus stuff, then there is a last $100 that had cleared from something I returned. Guess that’s where the extra money went  Hmm, Guess that’s not all bad … But, the point is, the money had been earmarked to finish paying off the electronic toys with Dell. And, that didn’t happen. So, that leaves me with just $1,000 left. I know I have to pay for that hotel in June AND my thinking is that we’re going to have to get the car checked out. That means about $300 for hotel, $200 for spending, and $500 toward car if necessary. That part had been weighing on my mind. Don’t want to be stuck in Ohio without a car that’s in good shape. AHEM … that reminds me … someone needs to be taking care of replacing the driver’s license??? AND, it sure wouldn’t hurt to save $25 to get a super-duper car wash? Might need some help though cleaning out the trunk. Not going to be able to stand that long … maybe have to do it in shifts.

One way or another … I’m thinking that we should be able to now fill in the forms for student loan. That’s a real good thing. And, speaking of that … should probably get a move on it. It’s already 3 am. V’s been here and gone … maybe computer problems? Ahh, Missy is on top that one too. Telling me what he’s got to do. She sure is nosy!

ACK!!! One of the students wrote this note to the Prof. “Are there any guidelines for submitting our proposal for the research paper? The proposal is not due for another two or three week, but I would like to submit mine now so I can begin working on it as soon as possible.”

Three days later …

Whoops , me thinks we’re behind again … *sigh* lotsa school catch up more in another post 