Counting Up the losses and gains
Good morning, good morning …How is everyone? We’re doing ok, but slowed time down a little. We cancelled work for a couple of days until we see the medical doctor on Tuesday. Dr. M. confirmed that our pain problem was because we’ve hurt our sciatic nerve. Yesterday was super tough on it because of all the extra aggravation of normal work routines and taking the long walk to get to Dr. M’s office. It’s been confirmed that aspirin is the way to go, until we get medical advice from our regular doctor. Monday was off anyway, so hopefully I’ll give it a chance to rest some. That’s the plan at least.
And, as you can see the memory test is back. We had typed out some of the conclusions last night to our blog. And, now slowly, it is starting to sink in that there were a lot of negative things in that report that are, of course, a concern to us.
We are grateful that it was Kate out with Ann and Dr. M. last night as we spent the hour going through the report. Mostly, we were asking what the tests were measuring. We’ve not begun the work of putting it all together. We hope to go over it well enough, so that when we arrange a meeting hopefully with the neuropsychiatric specialist and Dr. M. we’ll be able to build a more comprehensive picture of how all the elements fit together.
Oh oh … just got a note from Sr. Tess … I wonder what this means?
*Sigh* who knows …
Anyway … The reaction last night was first appreciation. First the tests indicated I was smart hehehe (though not in the very superior 2.2% range – shoot!). Eh, we’ll survive. We talked to V last night and discussed that the multiplicity and inability to retrieve information might have something to do with a lower IQ score. This is a question to ask the good doctors.
Also, in appreciation was there now proof that there really is a problem and I am unlike Sr. Tess’ belief, not making this up! There really is impairment!
At least all that was our first impression. Now, that the sun has come up, we’re starting to look at things differently … like shoot … there’s something wrong?? It’s going to last a lifetime, and for all we know, could get worse? Last night the thought that held us is GREAT! More reason or validity to make more SYSTEMS!!!! We do love our systems, specially when they work! Now, the thought comes in … we better take that seriously. We’re going to want to know exactly which parts of the brain and its memory/attention we can count on and which parts can be given partial retirement. Nothing like becoming more efficient even though our brain is being inefficient!
It kinda feels like that one Cosby show where they find out Theo’s school problems have actually been caused by dyslexia and not laziness or whatever. The thing is that people learn to work around dyslexia, right? Well, we are going to be determined to work around our inability to retrieve information.
When we were talking to V. last night we talked about a set of images Dr. M. drew on the board for us. It was a branch like structure with stems and branches leading to tips and whatever. Along the way he drew little bud-like dots. He said this was our memory structure. He pointed to one dot branching out to half a dozen other dots. He said the first dot might represent “apple” information, and the succeeding dots represent things we know about the apple such as being the color red or green, tasty, sweet, whatever. Then he drew a small box off to the side. He said this is what happens when someone asks me what an apple is. He went back to the drawing and above each of the dots he drew signs like highway signs telling what each of the dots represented, so the information could be better retrieved. But, then he said in our case, (he erased the signs) you don’t have any signs. We didn’t have the cues to let us know where the information was in our memory, although he said the information is definitely in there. Then we asked how do we know what an apple is? He sat down in his chair, shook his head and said, “Don’t know.” Period. Just like that. We thought damn, this isn’t good! Then we gave him a pretty frustrated look for not knowing … I know … be nice!
Frustration reminded us we better take our medicine we’re about 2 ½ hours off. It’s now about 9:30. *Whimpering* Ok, got to remember … should take aspirin again about 1:30-2:00 … no reason to be masochistic about this! Stubborn women!
Soooo, anyway … that’s about the scoop as far as all that goes. Maybe we’ll be able to spend some time with it today through the Internet.
Hmm, so where are we now? Thinking that I’d like to go visiting for a while, then maybe finish up that paper I’ve been letting sit. We wrote to Dr. M. this morning about a few things, so we’re kind of anticipating that. I am hoping to get an unmarred copy of the report, so I can forward it to the school disability office. If there are things I can’t do, I will look for as much help as the situation offers to get things done. I have to figure out ways to work things so that I don’t loose information. Hmm, maybe I should look into the planner again for at home. But, I would also like to have I think at this time the accounting ledger book for marking down various tasks and such that I am having. I know that if a system maintains that it is likely to be a better thing for me than not. There are still days when I forget to use the journal system at work, and the repercussions of it are that I forget what I have done or haven’t done. The best case scenario is that I use it faithfully, and its on those days, that I remain aware of getting things done, even though there are additional tasks added on the day.
Hmm, I’m wondering if Walgreens might have some ledgers. I could do that much … maybe pick up some shampoo. Anything else while I am there? Think we’ll have to wait on the dots for the journal system until I get back to work. I have extra there. If I were real lucky Walgreens might have some kind of date stamper though. Hmm, thinking that’s all a pretty good idea. If I can get in the habit of recording things both here and at work, better chances of follow through. Notice that’s its about 10 am. I think I am thinking from my better thought processes, because medicine has had a chance to work over last half hour. Ok, then I suppose that is the plan … We’ll meet up back here again later. Have a blessed one!