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Sunday, December 04, 2005

It's Sunday Now, Time for the Night Owl's to Sleep

Good Morning, Good Morning to all,

I am headed to bed in a few moments, but I just wanted to say thanks to Judith, Gabreael, and Patrick, along with Pam and her directory, there is now an updated version of Journalists’ who have moved from AOL Journals. 150 People WOO HOOO!

It is my intent that the list should be passed around freely. If there are those who do not want to be included, please get word to Judith, Gabreael, or Patrick, I will be stepping away from the directory business after today.

It would be nice if there were a way to register List Users emails, in case there were global changes to the list. Please accept this as my gift to JBloggers, or whatever name the group decides.

It has been a pleasure!

PS: At the bottom of the list there is a Link to the code sheet, just copy it and paste into your template. I would consider it to your discretion in reshaping the list to accommodate your needs, such as changing the names to something your more comfortable with. Although, I found going through the list, I appreciated more and more the feeling of contact from being able to call someone by their regular name. It felt more like a family, a “LARGE” family!

Our Best,