Taking this show on the road ... :)
Good morning … we’re going to try this again. We started an entry, but got no more than a paragraph or two into things. We had discussed waking up to a very crabby Missy. We didn’t mind us being woken up, but when it comes to Sweetie Pie, we want to wake him up. So, we put Missy into the backroom until she could compose herself – or about 20 minutes later when it was we got dressed. She was just too much … if anyone is going to wake up Sweetie Pie its going to be me! Hmpf!He in fact, woke up a few minutes before 6 am and then fell back into bed so he could get some good rubbin. Hehehe … he knows the right tricks. He had gotten home the night before about 10:30 pm and had sat for a few moments out on the balcony. That was kind of cool. We talked to him while he was getting rubbed and again after he’d taken a shower and gotten dressed. Then we did a few morning routines at the kitchen table and he looked through his date book for openings that might correspond with my vacation. We needed to tell Sr. when we were going to have off … we have 6 more days to take before the end of June 30 or we will lose them. We’re looking now at Th. June 7, Th & F June 14 and 15, Mon, Tues, & Wed June 18, 19 & 20th. That’s like one day next week, two days the following and three days the next.
I’d kinda started hoping I could take off right away, but Sweetie says he might be able to get me half days then … he’s got fishing tied up there too so doesn’t want me to take off days he’s going to be gone. He also has to fit in CARF at the other place. That’s going to be week after next June 11, 12 & 13th. I think we will both be better after this whole CARF thing is over. We’re going to get through it though. I think Sr. wanted me to take it earlier and get it out of the way so it didn’t interfere with the Annual report, but I will ask her earlier when we can sit down to plan from last years copy. I can get started on that sooner than later. It has to be finished before June 30th, and I will want it definitely out of the way before the annuals start-up in July. Actually, that’s going to be coming up next week. We have to start making appointments. We’ll see how that all goes.
But, for today, I think I’m going to need to start planning the rest of my life post-CARF. I think that’s going to take some thought and I have to find something to get excited about. I think I mentioned yesterday the highlight seems to be thinking about being a program director. I would like to put together an outline, that includes handing over the Q job to someone else. I know there isn’t anybody hired yet, but we’re going to hold on to faith. I want to believe someone right will come along to fill the position. I have to be ready to sell sister on what else I can be doing. Another thing we have to consider is that we’ve got the new Circles program coming up again. That is going to take some planning … it means teaching about an hour a day. Like I said planning will be needed. It’ll be like doing staff training or thinking group where you got to figure out in advance what needs to be done. I think we could work this into a plan toward program objectives. I think we would like to read over the CARF thoughts and the old thoughts on Program Director … I want to take the center in a direction that is along the lines of what Sister has in mind. Maybe though something a little new.
Hmm, that is better … stopped to use the washroom. Builds up there … hehehe.
Ok, ok … getting serious again. Shh, it’s going to be ok.
Ok, what’s the first thing. What do we need to do first. Hmm, just said that … stalling already? Hmm? Damn
Probably a good idea to get rid of some of the things that we’d put on hold during CARF. Like it would be good to do Qnotes. We think if we did get help that we would need those not to be behind. Especially coming up to the Annual meetings, we want those finished up. Not a good idea to get behind at this point. Let’s check out some of the things that need to be getting done … a list?
Woohoo … got all the red dot things done … That’s a good sign.
1. Confirm status of group going to CSO for computer training Wednesday, June 6th
2. Confirm everything is filed – but this should be good
3. Assure that Mrs. Cervantes gets into the psychological meeting. The appointment is June 12 at 9 am.
4. Read Alma’s file and review behavioral incidents, check Cathy’s written record and balance against the suggestions from the Behavior meeting. Call Dr. Sripada, and talk to the family through Rosa.
5. Complete the Annual report – starting with a meeting with sister, then make an outline for Rosa – discuss, and then complete tasks established
6. Optional - Arrange to set-up filing type work for Lupe for 2-3 days a week for an hour
7. Assure that we get signatures for the two documents from corporate compliance
8. Check files for missing state, psych, medical and dental records
9. Complete Qnotes not completed for March, April and getting into May
10. Type-up minutes for the behavior meeting
11. Discharge Maribel
12. Discharge Maria
13. Discharge Moises
14. Check with Ms Chaidez about Ana’s sleeping and check concern over weight loss
15. Prepare for the starting of Circles
16. Write follow-up letters to parents not sending in Medicaid cards
17. Check on Joel’s video goal
18. Check what Kathy needs for forms – Star – on discharges
19. Call back Eskra’s to check on their status
20. Establish a schedule for the July Staffings
21. Consider thoughts toward Program directing, CARF for the next year, and goals established by CARF survey
22. Take 6 vacation days
Good … good … think I got it all except of course there are regular things like Thinking Group, Staff training, Administration meeting, staff meeting, Circles group, Computer meeting, and Goals Group.
I just brought a copy up to Sr … she skimmed while on hold with someone. She laughed at the end saying vacation? That’s probably the most important thing. During her read through she questioned how long to get this done, and she questioned if these priorities were in order. I said no. Though in general the things on the top of the list are more prioritized than the things on the lower part of the list. And, of course there will be more things added as we go along. But, this is a good starting point … and should answer the internal questions as to what do we do now post-CARF. Hmm? Sister also said … you got a little behind, hmm? Uh yes sister. BUT, CARF is done I think it was a good thing to do … because instead of handing it back to me she laid it down on her desk and then took the call she had been put on hold for.
WOO HOOO!!! CARF is over!!!
Now, we have to work on our motivation to get things moving … it doesn’t really matter which item on the list we take … they all have to get done. I’m leaning toward work on the Qnotes … we could establish a goal to get done with as many as possible today – Wednesday through Wednesday next week – because then Thursday there is a vacation day … then we’ll have Friday to complete some “emergency things” that come up by then. That then gives us the next 7 days off and that will finish vacation … BUT, we’re probably going to need organizing some of the annual report before then … hmm, which other ones have to be finished before vacation? 1 -10 min, 3 – 10 min, 4 – 2 hours, 5 – 12 to 15 hours, 9 One week – for 2 months, 11 – 2 hours, 12 – 2 hours, 13 – 2 hours, 15 – 4 hours, 19 – 1 hour, and 20 – 3 hours. Hmm, that’s going to take some time too.
Wow … theoretically, if I didn’t miss a beat … this would mean 80 hours of work – which is 2 weeks and in truth we have … let me see … 17 days from now to June 30th to work – which means vacation days came out … 80 hours of hard core work, 32 hours of scheduled meetings, comes out to having available 136 hours, minus 80, minus 32 … equal 24 hours – or 3 days of unproductive time – or time spent in the addition of new tasks or tasks that take longer than scheduled. Ok, good … At least I know then that this is doable … if I make good use of time.
Hmm, that was important … The secretary just came in to check some discharge dates – we looked up all my 3 clients that have left or have died. Those are good dates to have down … Including the one other … that means I’ve lost 4 clients this last year and that means I’m at 19 people and now Sister wants to discharge one more. She says I’ll get some of the next intake clients, but they haven’t gotten funding yet from the State. So, we’ll just wait and see how that goes … better for scheduling annuals at least.
Ok, now … important … is there anything that has to get done before I start on Qnotes?
I’ve got a couple of sister items, but I was just up there, they will wait for a bit. Ok, have to make an executive decision … do I do all those Qnotes starting today, or do I take care of those 6 hours of discharges and anything else client wise I can get in like 4 – Alma and call back to the Eskra’s. I suppose that – more pressing is to get those clients scheduled. Though not many of the tasks are things that I want or like to do. It’s already 10:15 am, but I can stay after work tonight. Sweetie Pie isn’t scheduled home until 8:30 pm. Ok, that means I’ve got 8 hours if I stay until 6:30 pm … why don’t I get started then … Oldest first and we need to remember how to discharge. I figure do one and the others fall into place. Ok, let’s turn around and check that out.
Hmm, ok … take a moment and breath. I’m burning up … have to check the air conditioner again. Sister just visited and we went through some things together from the list … Fortunately it looks like we have the circles program off the list until further notice, though I told her we might want to make a clean break and start July 1. She said then or September 1rst it doesn’t really matter … I didn’t say anything after that … because it seemed like a good deal. But, we will try to schedule it in by July 1. I like to start things fresh for our new fiscal year. She’s going to write the check to CSO right away, so that means, I should call by about Tuesday next week to make sure its ok for the following day – Maybe Monday.
Hmm just finished making notes. Check for the computer class will go in today so call Monday to confirm for Wednesday start. Stay on top of Noemi’s psychological date. Read Alma’s stuff – ask Cathy for a copy of her notes. Start the Annual report June Mon June 11 – Wed June 13 among other things. Ask Mrs. O for help with filing if I need it .. sounds like Sr. has forgotten she agreed to having Lupe working with me. It’s not filing … it’s giving her something directful to be doing. Discharge are first priority, but it doesn’t look like they’ll take 6 hours, but we’ll see. She didn’t like the video goal for Joel because we were paying for it, so that goal has to be re-written with the DSP. And, we need to make sure the STAR form gets filled in today with the discharging process. Ok, good sounding fine.
Maybe time to take an orange break.
Ok, ok …that’s done … let’s look more positive … what happened to the music? That’s better. Ok, Maribel … shoot I hate to close her out. She was one of my first three clients, almost 8 years ago now. Ok, we need to do this, right … simple business letter. Then do some copying.
WooHooo … we’ve got some work done … we did all three of the exits, the STAR form, and we went over #20 with the Annual Staffings … still in a preliminary stage. Now … looking over my list and noting that it is almost 4 pm – my go-home time, I can fold up now … or put in the original 2 ½ hours. If I did that … and I could because I’m good on food that would mean taking a significant task like typing up the behavioral minutes. Hmm, that be a pretty good goal. Would need to get a can of pop. Pretty sure of that … AND some water. Let’s check that list once more … thinking it would be a good time to call back Ms. Eskra, but we need to keep a tight schedule to accomplish a hard task like minutes so late in the day … Need to be calm and patient for that task. Let me check if there isn’t anything else … but think it be a good day.
Ok, ok … here’s the deal !!! We finished the minutes to the Behavior meeting. Woo HOO! AND, we’ve got 20 minutes to spare … definitely going home now. There’s not too much else to be said … Everyone is out of the building and the Sr.’s left me in charge … so we are going to be a good Ann and lock-up tight. Later!!