Cranky ... a little ... need to give Sr. something, but we weren't finished :(
The Individuals Satisfaction SurveyThe individuals being out in the community “wins” again! The most popular outings this year included Haunted Trails, the Mango Leaf Magic play, and Mount St. Joseph’s. The events that received the highest numbers were the Christmas parties, the family picnic, and the pizza party for Father Guenella. Single-handedly food preparation is still the highest rated in-house program, although collectively, the workshop maintains very high attention. Many of the workers in the community are requesting more hours.
The individuals offer few complaints. 42% said they had no least favorite activity. There was one set of complaints concerning one of the groups doing a work skills activity that the group wasn’t enjoying. Sometimes the individuals grew impatient with the workshop work, but they remained optimistic claiming they were learning to work faster, see higher counts, and in receiving good checks. The largest in-house job has been the beads and a few of the individuals have trouble with the smallest of them. The least favored activity in the previous five years has been housekeeping. But, at this time, housekeeping received only 6 comments, and three of the comments were made by one individual.
As to future interests the group stated more outings and trips. Many of the people who suggested this listed things they would like to do. For the group who talked about eating out, they suggested Chinatown, Kiddy Land, a steak restaurant, Home Run Inn, and Ryan’s Restaurant. There was only one request this time for a fast food restaurant. Taste seems to be improving! The group indicated they would like more shopping trips and the favored items they wanted were clothes and CDs. People wanted to spend more time in parks and they expressed a variety of ball games and swimming. Culturally, their hopes included the circus, zoo, planetarium, museums, Shedd Aquarium and libraries.
When the individuals were asked if there were anything they would like to tell the staff, 46% of them stated no. Sometimes they would state something as new news, a few talked about changes in their attitude, and a dozen more commented on things they really liked. There were some comments on things that they would want such as people to be their friends or more of something such as field trips, cooking, or dancing. The majority of time people made comments they wanted to say something positive to their staff. The most common response was that staff was nice and doing a good job. They liked when staff smiled, listened, and helped them. They also passed on their thanks.
98% of the group said, “Yes,” they were making progress on their goals. Out of 167 responses, there were only 4 “no” responses. The comments were categorized as general, specific, or about computers, which panned out to what else they would like to learn. The general comments were like “I work on my goal all the time,” “I am a hard worker and stay focused,” and “I do everything here.” There was only one negative response from the individuals. One month one person stated that everyone was “messing with him” and he wanted to be left alone. The rest of the months he was fine. The final comments were also positive. There were very good self-affirmations and notes on self-improvement, and one last chance to say “More trips and events!”