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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mature Audiences Only...

Good morning … it’s me again. We decided that if the system of blogging helps at home then maybe it will help at work to. At least it got my fingers to doing something with the keyboard. YAYYY!!! We stopped for a moment to talk to Sr., which is a morning routine. She says I have to work on smiling more. One of my peers has been in to mention how a couple of personal goals were going. She seems relieved at the last turn of the card. We are going to need focusing on our CARF.

So, the first thing? Better get it out of the bag. And, next … we have to figure out where we left off with it. Ok, so far so good. “Nother sip of coffee. Think we are going to work over on the other desk/computer. It’s just a laptop, but it is easier to look at my references. On this desk, the keyboard extends out and is lower then the desk, so it is more comfortable for typing, but too far away to be reading copy well and also the screen is further back. Sometimes, we like this better, sometimes not. We’ll let you know how it goes.

It seems like I am on page 17 of the questions. We have 12 questions left, but we are going to need making adjustments to the last ones entered. It’s about quarter after 8 right now … this would be an early start for us. I think I will set the timer for one hour and check in about then, K? Let’s see how much progress we can make.

One more thing. I think to help the focus, we’re going to listen to music today. I could use the speakers without bothering anyone, but I am one of the parts that like the ear phones. It feels more private and keeps my neurotransmitters from jumping out of my ears. 

Ok, ok … I am one of the silly ones too. Sheessh … lighten up around here. It’s going to be ok .. I’m back! Don’t forget the alarm!

Woo Hoo, doing great! I haven’t felt like this in a long time. I am doing what I know how to do and thinking new thoughts as we go as to how everything works together. It is now almost 9:30 am and I am responding to the 5th question. It asks us to describe the information going to other stakeholders from the performance improvement report. That was that big thing we were working with before the breakdown. I’ve explained it now for the stakeholder of the center’s advisory committee, now I’m working about describing the report as to the behavior management human rights committee. I think I’m going to do similarly the same for the parents club, the governance board, and to the community members who read the center’s newsletter. Is that good enough? Hmm, let me think …

Yah, I think … hmm, should I include naw CARF can figure it out on their own … Never mind that thought. Ok, we’re good now and were being strong. So, we’re going to take a second to refill our coffee and we’ll set the clock for another hour. Then we will go out and have a smoke break. Sounds good? After this question, we need to do the final 8 questions on technology. Ok, ok … let’s reframe that, we are looking forward to summarizing how the center’s technology programs work for both business and clients. Yep, yep … we’re going to nail this baby TODAY! The goal is to leave the report on Sister’s desk on the way out the door today. Then tomorrow, we can start fresh with the report that discusses rights. Looking ahead now that is going to be about 35 questions to be answered. Ok, ok … little thing … we’ll just knock them out one at a time as we have done already and as we do for school. The school model is really helping us out in formatting the actual tasks as they have to occur. Ok, ok … nuff thinking back to work. Hmm, the BM/HR committee, ok … we’re doing this!


Shoot … didn’t meet that one. My blood sugar dropped suddenly and we got very warm and dizzy and more confused than normal. We don’t have anything to eat in the office, so headed up toward Sister’s to buy a can of coke. ARRRRRRRGHHH! That was a terrible feeling. We drank the entire can while out having a smoke, which just goes to show you how healthful we are. Doing better now. It scared me though. Going to have to rethink the meal deal. Our friend hadn’t gotten anything for lunches or snacks on the last trip out. He had gotten cereal though, so we had that about 5 am., but I guess 5 hours is too much, specially because the cereal is sugar free. Usually, we have some kind of nutrition bar or something in the morning. While we’re at home we have our lunch often at 10 am. Guess I never thought of it too much. Lunch is in about 40 minutes. Would like to go now, but maybe we can wait it out … back to concentrating, right? Ok, set timer for 35 minutes.

Ok, that time is over. I just got back from lunch and watching the clients. It’s noon now. We got a icey  Shhh … ok, but I did! I know, I know …

Hmm, wonder how our friend is doing today … I might want to give him a call. Hmm. Wait a sec  Hmm, forgot his phone isn’t working. Felt kind of invaded … the secretary picked up the phone while I was leaving a message. She asked who are you holding for. I didn’t catch who it was and instead responded to the question asked thinking it was from Sweeties service. UGH! Well, we’ll let that one go. UGH UGH!!!

Ok, back to the business of doing business.

No … I was serious … goo!!


AHA! See the transformation! With shoes … without shoes! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY home!!! It’s about 5:30 pm now. We’re eating a pretty quick dinner. I notice no V. waiting with a pleasant round of after work cocktails. HMPF!

We’re starting to concentrate on using the PDA again more conscientiously. I’d like to get used to using it between tasks. Just short notes though cuz it takes a while to enter (though it’s kinda fun).

We didn’t do so good the last half of the day. We were intending good, but got sidetracked. I went to the web site that helped me with questions on technology last time. And, in the process I found that I could get MS project manager for like $25. Wow! It’s through non-profit organization that helps non-profit businesses. I think I’d like to get in on that deal. So, I downloaded the free 60 day version and spent the rest of the day checking that out. I entered the first level of CARF. This one could go either way. It could be a very useful devise for scheduling, or it could be another time consumer. V … your vote doesn’t count here!

It makes a GANF chart with innumerable bells and whistles. It’s the kind of thing that would impress the CARF people though. And, would come in handy with Sr. in explaining tasks yet to be accomplished. Mostly though, it might help hold me accountable for making constructive progress and in breaking down tasks. It be nice also to give it a test run on the school project. I’m not sure. Hmm, wonder if Microsoft would let me download two free copies. Let me check that out.

Drat … took forever to download, and then it finnnnnnaly opened … appeared for 3 seconds and then told me my free trial was over. I guess I’d looked at it before on this computer. It went through ok on comp #2 at work though … so, I guess that is where I’m going to need trying it. In the meantime, I stepped outside with text book, and it started to rain. So, now we’re in a real dilemma … it’s only 6:30, which would give me a great 2-3 hours of time left to read and write for school. But, my track record for sitting down on the comfy couch and not falling asleep is real good. Ok, but I gotta sit somewhere to read … The computer table isn’t ideal for that … especially, because I can’t sit back in the chair. Ok, how’s this … we’ll sit in the comfy spot, BUT if we find ourselves drowsy, we have to get up and take the less fun option. KKKKK??? Go ahead…

Hehehe well … we’re almost ready for bed. We made it up to the last couple of pages. But, we’d gotten drowsy. We finally shook ourselves awake long enough to come back and be pleasantly surprised in that our sweetie pie stopped by my computer to see us. He left another picture saying he was thinking of us …

THEN, he left ANOTHER picture expressing what I would see laying on my back in the field of flowers.

So, we sent him back a couple of pictures ... cuz we thought we were going to be pretty darn lucky! The hands covering our face were because he was thinking our screaming in unadulterated joy would disturb the NASA Astranauts.

Umm ... the bee explains himself
