Just gotta get started is all...
Good morning … This is me. We’re at work. It’s right at 8:15 am. We got in a little before 7:30 am, but we had to spend a little time up front with the sisters. Sister was on the phone with the Gateway people trying to plead out her case. They were saying it was an operating system problem and that she should save her entire hard drive. I don’t take responsibility for that kind of stuff, so I referred her out to her nephew or the expensive guys. Sister M&M was in too so they did that together M&M knew Sister Theresa would growl about that … so did I, but I really didn’t want to figure it out and take that kind of responsibility. It’s just too much.While Sr. was on the phone … well at first she had pulled me over after I’d been fixing my hours, but then I was called in just in case. I was listening, but then the other Sr. came in moaning and groaning … oh man that was terrible so I whispered what was wrong … and then we got into this conversation about her medical problems … she might have to have her second knee replacement. She’s feeling terrible … It’s like its another person – her demeaner, voice everything has changed. It’s almost as if she’s turned into an invalid overnight, but then later when Sister came off the phone and started talking to her a bout the computer her strength started coming back into her voice so I was glad to see that. I think being hurt is very disabling to one’s soul.
I told her when asked that I was feeling really good because of the Cortisone, but the conversation didn’t go any further than that … but, the funny thing is that two people both Brandi and Theresa said something to me on the way in about looking really good. And, they were separated like they didn’t know the other had said it. I was like WOW! Cool. I, of course, said to both that I’d had the cortisone shots in both knees and lost 23 pounds so far and had gone from walking 3 minutes to 8 minutes and felt great! They both said congrats and that was about it – pretty much keep up the good work. That kind of extra encouragement is wonderful. 23 pounds isn’t TREMENDOUS, but it is getting to be substantial.
I was so happy to get on the scale this morning and see that we’d reached 308 pounds. I was less happy to see where Rich was. Officially, we are at the 16 pound mark to catching up with him. He’s trying to act that it’s not concerning him … I think because he’s got that gentleman thing on him, but somewhere it’s got to be bothering him. I’m at 23 pounds and he’s officially at 2 pounds for the month. Lots of fluctuation, but when you do the math … that’s it AND he does all that officiating work. Something has to be done, but I’m not sure what.
You should have seen us last night – the two of us at the table. We’re like a couple of girls counting calories. We had chicken, some kind of small stuffed noodles, and marinara sauce – plus I had the small side salad … everything was being measured out. I had two tablespoons of salad dressing, which turned out to be pretty good – at 50 calories, and then 10 calories of salsa – two tablespoons, ½ cup of marinara and ½ a package of the noodles, but then Rich started it first … he stopped about half way through dinner and said that he’d have enough. We said oh man! Nooooo, not fair! We’d really like what we were eating. He’d added it up to about 800 calories total though I think he was downplaying the chicken because he sprinkled some cheese on it – though that was good protein. So, then we were comparing who had more on his/her plate.
And, then … Rich outdid himself – he began the count one noodle, two noodle, three noodle …. Turns out he had 25 noodles on his plate … well 26 noodles, but then he ate that one. It must be universal that people like even numbers. I sighed. I knew what was coming next … I would have to count the noodles on my plate. I did ok, until I got about half way and realized that I wasn’t going to have much more left … cuz the thing was that we were going to have to save the half dinners for the next day. I was pretty mopey. It turned out I had 26 noodles too. So, I ate one noodle. We compared the size of the meats. We said no fair, because the size of his chicken was so much thicker than the size of our chicken, but then he pointed out that he hadn’t eaten the fat part of his chicken and we were like oh yeah that’s right.
But, then Rich said, beside I’m giving my half to you to eat tomorrow so you can eat half of your half now including half of your chicken. HUH? I get ALL OF YOURS??! Yup! I’m going to be out tomorrow. WOW REALLY!! Then we stopped. We thought by now we really weren’t as interested in the food after we’d both stopped to be playing with it … I counted out five … I said I only wanted five … I said are you sure you don’t want more? Rich took another little one. Then I started cutting up the chicken … I explained to Rich that I probably wouldn’t have a knife at the computer when I ate these the next day and I wanted to mix them up with the marinara sauce which turned up to be more than enough. Rich understood and he took the last piece I offered which was the juiciest cut from the center of the big chicken.
I really appreciated the effort he made in letting go of the dinner before he’d finished. I think next time … we are going to have to measure out the meat and if we were doing real well we’d mark down what we were eating by quantity. Rich is still doing things like keeping a bag of pretzels in the car which is a lot of carbohydrates and he got a bag of the shredded wheat with frosting to eat at home and in the car … and were telling him about the 7-8 calories every piece he eats. He thinks he’s doing himself a favor … but he’s not and now we’re going to have to get him off the vitamin water too. Too many calories … better he drinks that new pop with the vitamins – ahh there it is … Diet Coke Plus. It says that each 8 fl. Oz serving contains 15% of niacin and vitamins B6 and B12 and 10% for zinc and magnesium.
Hmm that’s really not a lot either … I think it’s going to take me going out to the store and getting him a bottle of men’s vitamins. He said before it messes with his stools, but if it were sitting at the table beside his other medicine maybe he would try it again … probably nutritionally deprived. There is something wrong with Rich’s metabolism or something else though … there’s no reason he shouldn’t lose some weight … the only way to figure it out is to count EVERY calorie … he can’t be cheating. I think he still minimalizes. “Oh that’s only …” We’ll have to work at that next hehehe one thing at a time!
At the end when we were putting away the food, we volunteered to empty the plates into a plastic container, because we were pretty sure that we could patiently collect more of the marinara from both plates scraping them to the fullest than could Rich. Rich patiently watched us perhaps knowing how hard it was for us to give up our association to the food we were putting away. I think that he is proud when we can do something that is hard for us like we are proud of him. But, I think that we have to be hard on him as to specific counting of calories … I’m thinking we should make a trip to the drug store while the knees are good and we need, hmm our blue pens, and vitamins, and little notebooks to slide in pockets or purses to mark down EVERY food or drink item taken. NO CHEATING. I don’t see how else to help Rich. I think he’s going to be in very poor shape if I’m losing and he stays as heavy as he is … I’m going to worry ever more so for his health.
And, we’re going to worry about our losing him. I think it comes down to that … we’re scared he’s not going to be there.
I don’t think we want to go into all that now. It’s not a good thing for us. We do have a wonder about what our food life will be like in the future. I think that we will learn more come January 30th when we go to that meeting with the nutritionalist. She’s going to point out what going to happen with our eating. I think there are going to be post meetings so we’ll get help down the line with other food changes. I sorta wish we could get the help of the psychologist afterward too, but maybe Dr. Marvin would be enough. I know that it took awhile through Dr. Marvin’s appointment for the affect of the other Dr.’s meeting to wear off so we could feel like we were really with Dr. Marvin.
Ok, we’re kinda smeary now aren’t we? Flag is still fine. Music has been good. We’re still listening to music attached to Simon and Garfunkel – So now the Moody Blues … Everything is just so excellent. It’s 9:27 now. We’ve just finished our yogurt. I’m feeling over titillated. Much too happy to work. But, maybe if I got into that it would make me feel good too? We’re only on the third page of our notes. Maybe we could talk a little about our general work thoughts and work toward working solid by 10 am? That sounds like a compromise to me. I don’t know how other people with offices do it. I know that Rich is pretty busy, but then I know there are other times, and like if he has fishy stuff, or officiating schedules, or family stuff, or other business’ stuff to do he’s doing that … he does whatever he has to do – so in that respect I’m doing exactly what I have to do … my fingers are like moving at a rate that keeps up with my mind, but a step behind in that I wish I could get it down faster, but this is it so I continue.
I’m still worrying about the publishing aspect. The one lead that interested me was that when we were at the health club we had talked to tiffany and he said that she had screen writer friends that were always looking for material. That might prove out in some distant future. Just not sure of the medium. I had not too long ago gone through the Putnam angle because they do multiple books, but said NO books on autobiographical or journal type stuff. The material is so long … I consider the package as going back still to August, 2003 So 4 ½ years. I think we should celebrate somehow our five year anniversary … that would be pretty cool. I wonder if we could convince Rich that we need a very good printer and begin printing out the pages from the start. That would be pretty amazing. I should get them documented on some kind of CD of DVD too. We need to put a copy in the vault. That would take a lot of work. But, it needs to go somewhere. Man there’s just so much words. It’s a big collection.
What’s going to happen to them?
Whoops … trip to the washroom and fountain to fill the water container – 2nd time this morning. I spotted the empty candy containers on the buffet and I know Sr. doesn’t like that kinda thing sitting around … so I went and asked if I could take then for my granddaughters. She said sure, yes take them – fill them up! So, I said great! Thanks! One is a large (1 foot x 1 inch) plastic hinged heart and the other is a pictured tin. The only problem was when I picked up the tin I realized there was something left in it. As soon as I heard it I knew it was those chewy taffy things … so here I am eating them … no I’m not going to get rid of them … I’m not that way … I’ve already eaten 5 of the 8.
Hey … Ya Know What!!! We got rid of the last 3!!! We can do it … we just got to think hard about it. We remembered what that doctor said about not giving up because things were going wrong. Well, he said it different, but basically. We don’t have to repeat or continue mistakes. We couldn’t just throw them away, because after a while we’d have someone digging in the garbage, so we unwrapped them, and then through them out in the back alley. That way one of the stray dogs roaming around here or God bless some other animal – hopefully not a big rat, but maybe even one of them if cold enough can eat them. Thing is I don’t have to … some starving beasty can have it. It might be a Thanksgiving meal to them.
Ok, minimal damage done here … You done good girls! Proud of you!
Thing too … was after we’d realized we had five … we did a tummy check. It really wasn’t feeling happier … it was feeling kind of bad. Maybe that was our imagination but that’s what was happening. Plus, we were having a dickens of a time with the dentures. Really a win/win thing throwing them away, right? Ok, ok … girls … no reason for tears. Shhh It will be ok. Shh
Let’s get back to the publishing dilemma.
Ok, we advanced that cause … been a long time since we been back here I think. We had read about two different screenwriter programs before. We went back to the first one that came up … and that was backed up by going down the page. It had a reference by Tom Hanks … that counted hehehe. So anyway … no we didn’t buy it, but we did download it to investigate later … we did poke it a couple of times … it’s breathing and looks relatively simple from the outside, but we don’t know about all the thing its listing and I’m sure there’s easier ways to use them. Hmm, Yup yup … all the directions plainly put in the information section. But, in general what I did was I ordered a book It cost $29 … It cost $35 at Amazon so I did pretty good and there was no tax or shipping …
Shoot, shoot. Sr. Theresa just came in … she wanted to get things squared away … we slipped the Qnote in front of our writing, but it only partially covered the writing and I don’t know if it was entirely covered, she asked again if we were doing the Qnotes and we gave her a weak yes and pointed to the screen and computer. We’ve got the worksheets out on the desk, but still we are not working on the work. I feel so bad to be not doing what sister thinks. I’m pretty sure she knows that we are not doing what we’re supposed to be doing, but she isn’t pushing us to the furthest degree – probably out of courtesy of not calling us outright a liar. Oh man this is so messed up. I can’t get the writing and my worldly thoughts out of my head I seem impelled to be writing everything I think down. To do other tasks means stepping away from this screen.
Oh Lordy, what am I to do. Ok, Ok … another deal. I know I lied I lied. I didn’t stop at 10 … didn’t even see the hour. It’s now 11:13 am. Almost half a day gone and nothing done. Sister looked at that pile in the center of the desk. If she came in my office during the weekend she’d see through the weekness of my story it’s the same papers as were there all weekend. I’m a terrible liar. Man I got to get to work. Monday is my good day too. We talked about schedules too. I told her that I had psychology appointments backed up to my psychiatry appointments up to March 4th. That’s probably 3-4 more. I then told her the problem I was having with having too many meetings I said I have circles at 12, staff training at 1, psychology, at 3, and Dr. M at 4:30. That’s why I stayed home … because I couldn’t do all those meetings. 4 in 5 hours is way over board for me. She asked me if I could change the psychology, but then I tried to tell her, but not very well that it was important to have Dr. Marvin after the psychology because I didn’t want it to overly confuse the parts – although it was good for the regular processing parts.
I think we were confusing her, but in some way she was understanding. We went over again … that after the fourth a surgery appointment would be made and insurance would go in … it would take up to like a month and about 90% of the time an approval would be made and then within 2 weeks a surgery date would be set so we figured either April or May. She said to review my days off. As to the other days being too much we negotiated that Circles was going to have to discontinue soon and we were coming to points of evaluation … so again we compromised. She said that we could put it aside for a bit coming February 1rst. That’s a big relief. That means just 2 weeks. I can make that can’t I?
Man this is like kinda becoming a big deal … maybe its been that way all along … poor sister is just trying to get the basics covered just get the work done before we’re inspected. I know sister, I know. Ok. Let’s work at this … we’ve gone through it before … we can be at the computer so it won’t be real bad. Just got to focus on something a little different we’ll have the music … It will be ok. Deep breath. I know, I know. It’s lunch time. What are we going to do here. I know we’re going to eat, but what do you think of working after that? Hmm? Can we do that? Please?
Maybe a trip to the washroom – that will be good exercise – we’ll go all the way up to Rosa’s bathroom hmm? Nice walk? Ok, good girl. Ok skoot, K?
Back … now I know what the problem was … we didn’t recognize that the sister’s made a switch. It wasn’t sister M&M it was Sister Florine. Both are very big …. But, Sister Florine is weaker in stamina than M&M. Ok, that’s better not that Florine is suffering, but that M&M didn’t fall apart over night. Why we couldn’t figure one for the other, I don’t know, but we heard Sr. introducing Sr. Florine to the group so that is that.
We’ve started on our jello. So we’re doing good that way. We are now resolved that we’re going to give a good portion of the rest of the day to our writing. We’re going to try at least. I don’t know what else will come up, but that’s where we are at. We gotta try. I see it in our background now and it seems very heavy and confused. It’s just because the right part isn’t out, right? If I can somehow turn myself off or out someone else will come? That’s what the PLEASE command is about? I will give up my time, but please don’t make me do that assignment. I don’t like such things. I don’t know why. Yes, I’m a good eat the jello person I can do that well enough. I feel like my best time was moving quickly around JVS and such.
Ok … shhh, shhh. Breathe. Quiet now … shhh
Why don’t we get started … we can drink our slimfast through it … it’s 11:45 am.
Hmm, ok it’s now 12:40 pm so about an hour afterward. We’re doing pretty good … there was about an hour of organizing the files. We’re into the top soil part. We have formulated all the parts of each of three Qnotes. We have an easy one that has only three months to do – and for that one the DSP has filled in each of the notes – though it looks complicated. Then we have two more. That’s it three total. The second two are on the harder side. Pretty much we gotta go back and do them over again … the female’s has to be done for the 5 months from March through first part of July, and the male’s has to be done 9 months from March through the first couple weeks into November. So total 17 Qnotes. Just that most of them have to be put together from almost scratch … the notes are all messed up. So, that’s the chore ahead of us. A good day’s work would be a dozen notes done with standard interruptions. We got a half a day with possibilities of into the evening if our hunger holds out. We’re not playing with that though.
I guess there’s no way to manage that except to get into it … might be better to shoot for a goal of about half that on half a day … let’s say the easy two and the girls by the end of the day … and anything over that is gravy! Hmm, do people say that anymore … sheeesh where does it come from? Well, it’s about true. Ok, your stallin … be getting on with it, k? What’s first … Ok, the short stack is up
Hmm, that was sticky, but we figured out that the client switched goals so we only owed for one month on the one we thought we owed three … good luck to her. Once I get caught up with mine maybe I’ll help, but maybe by then she’ll be working on it. I got a bit to go. Just want to be in good shape by the time of surgery … my hope is to have inspection over before my date comes up. Ok, now we have to look at the females. It’s now 1:33 pm. It’s kind of distracting because the other Q has come back and she’s just going on and on which is always loud even with the ear phones on. Good it’s stopped. Ok, now we got to get back to the studying part … I think first we got to create the DSP goal data sheet … poor babies … they are just a mess.