Ok, a little financial summarizing here ... it's almost time, right?
Good morning. It’s me again. I know, I know … been away … can’t tell you why that happened really -Usually a matter of not getting enough sleep or other interests.Maybe a little bit of both, but you have to know we couldn’t be away for long. I think the biggest interest has been work in getting together the business contact manager for MS Outlook. It’s kind of a big whopping system that we’ve been working with overtime – as most likely you know. We had to go back and reinstitute the Mobile Me from apple too and so that’s taken some time and mishap. We’re trying to be cool with it though because we know it’s a process. Hmm, had to do a few other things too like we loaded an accounting program took a look at our bills and fixed Hipcast.
Man when you got a computer and blog and other such interests the time slips away unforgivingly.
Well, Ok that’s not really a word, but you know what we mean, right? We had to work with the iPod a bit too … you know what that’s like hmm? Always something to be fixing up. I think I may have copied over too many podcasts, but we’ll sort that out later down the road. Basically, we’re just trying to get our regulars and we haven’t been able to figure out the iTunes system because some of the ones you want get a copy signal and some don’t … Hard to explain that one … and we need frustratingly to let that go for the moment.
Hmm, listening now to the President’s weekly radio addresses. Hmm, didn’t know I could get that, but of course you know we’d be interested. Should have thought of looking before, but as long as it falls into my lap … eh … enough of that.
I like to hear the sound of his voice. Maybe we got that from listening to the audio book or over the long campaign. Man there’s just so much to be doing.
We’ve got about an hour here and we’ve got our helpful kitty. That should get us off to a good start.
Ok, let’s have a look here now, k? Let’s try for a sentence more than a line.
Why don’t we start with Sweetie … that always warms us up nicely. We didn’t get to see him much yesterday or the day before. He’s had games both nights and the first one he then went out with Bob and the second he then went out with his son, Chris.
He hasn’t been around for much to get a real idea what’s happening there, but I know that he likes to get out and these are two people on the most important list. I don’t know when he got home last night, but it satisfied us to wake up and the TV was turned off and I could hear his breathing from the other room. He’s such a mushpot! Better let him sleep in this morning just in case he’s tuckered himself out.
Hmm, we should leave a note here that we’re going to want to go out and clear the snow off our car a bit. It was a big snow last night. Rich said we should go home early and it took us an hour and 15 minutes to drive home. We later called Thom to say hi, and we called Joe and happened to catch him on his long drive home. He said he was about half way there and he’d driven for 2 ½ hours. Pshwoo. That’s a long drive. He was on his way over to his girl’s place, so I knew he was looking forward to getting there. Both the boys talked to me for a while … not about anything critical … just loose chat and catching up. We’d not heard from Thom on Sunday so we there took the bull by the horns although I think we must seem pretty lame to him, because we just want to hear his voice talk … not so interested in any one thing in particular. We love the dickens out of those guys!
Oh, and Thom is going to be around for about a week or so after Christmas. He says that we might hope to see him.
Just want to be given him a big hug … then sending him on his way. If we got a chance to hear him be talking to his brothers that be a nice thing too. I love to hear the banter and teasing that goes on between them. They’re such good kids.
Other than that … not much happened yesterday night. We were watching CNN, but we also fuelded up the iPod and then we played a new Yatzee game on it. I think that was stemmed because Rich said that Bob is competitive and we thought maybe we should have a game or two about so that he can play something with us when we get together. Rich says that has a hard time sitting still and that even when he goes over there there is a poker game or something happening between them. I can’t think of how playing poker with just two people would be fun, but … along there we’re seeing the point. Rich says he thinks of Bob as being hyper-active. Not saying Yatzee is going to settle his engine, but maybe it would help and demonstrate we are trying to work this along.
Somewhere down that line I want to say that Rich is trying to gear me up to bowling. That’s something that Bob likes to do and Rich says we will need to practice. Him too. I used to like bowling, just not sure how I would do with this weight and being out of practice for so many years. We used to belong to a couple of bowling leagues … one was with the ex’ mother and the other was with my ex. I don’t think I ever had more than a 118 average and I really didn’t go over like 138. I don’t want to embarrass either Rich or us.
Hmm, that was a good story … we are listening to President Elect’s Weekly Radio Address. Did we say that yet? Well, just in case. It’s kinda funny to think that Barack Obama’s in town right now. Most of it feels like he’s not really here, but then we’re hearing something about separating his media coverage people on sides of the room according to whether they are Cubs or White Sox fans. I like a lot his ready sense of humor and obvious needs to organize. That one works for me. It always seems like he has things in order.
Ahh here he comes again.
Ok, anything else there? Let’s see we went to bed after Sweetie called back and then next thing you know we were waking up. Ok, nothing much there. Maybe we can mention something of the week. It’s already Wednesday and it seems that it hasn’t been such a good week for Qnotes. I think we’ve gotten side tracked in what we were doing to establish business order. Hmm, you’ve heard this before, hmm? I can’t tell you why other than obsession why we spend so much time organizing. I think we get into a certain pattern or level of thinking that needs to be organizing. I wonder if this is a left over somehow from the abuse. We have to ask Dr. Marvin who would say naturally, why we are thinking this way.
I guess more or less because of the high level of time we’re absorbed in this. Ok, you … let it go … move on!
Hmm, we found that last night too … with both the boys we felt apologetic that we weren’t good enough for them. Good they are asking President Elect Obama about Christmas shopping for his family and the country. That’s a good question. It’s hard to remember that we’ve got Christmas coming up in about 8 days. It just doesn’t seem like it. Thom is going to have today as his last day for a bit and then he’ll be on vacation and like again we said he’s not coming home until the second half of the bases time-off. People have to hang out there too. I’m thinking that we’re going to need taking Rich’s idea and only giving the boys and theirs half of what we usually like to give at $100. We did get our last paycheck on Monday and we’ve yet to deposit it, but we don’t want to overspend it on things that we shouldn’t be realistically. We did get a letter from our mother yesterday who said to be checking our mail. I was hoping that she’d send in Christmas money because that’s what we traditionally use for the boys and their girls. The only other thing we’re hoping for yet is the money we’ve traditionally gotten from Sr.
I had one of my clients ask yesterday in a round about way if we were going to be giving out Christmas presents. Out of the blue she stated that remember last year when we gave the pen and paper? Wow. Ok, this person has a good memory. I could see her counting her cards hoping to get at least as much as she’d done before. I think it’s a sad situation thinking that a pad of paper and pen could be such a big deal gift. I felt really bad because I don’t think we’re going to have the money to do it this year.
I do want to say that progress has been made in trying to understand the money picture. We did a couple of real good things over the weekend. While not actually paying the bills, we went through every piece of mail we had hiding in the closet or down in the mailbox. It was substantial. There were two complete garbage bags of it and that was before Rich went downstairs to get the current stuff. We sure are lousy at this. But, staying on the positive side … we did go through all of it.
Some envelopes were thrown because they were so obviously old, but the majorities were opened.
There weren’t any real surprises, but there was a lot of stuff – much less though after the garbage parts were thrown out. The second thing that we’d done was to go through our contact lists from the last time we had a bank account opened. We added all the names to the Outlook program. Rich saw what we were doing and pushed us to be putting the names immediately in the bank and not to mix the programs, but we’ve been building out Outlooks both at home and work and trying to get the iPod and phone to work with that information too. It is one of the reasons we’d gotten the Mobile me … just to be able to communicate what has to be followed. If we can’t have ready access to our bill accounts than some things feel like they are out of hand. We’re trying to get to the point this doesn’t all overwhelm us so much.
That’s what gets talked about with Dr. Marvin. We just want to feel like we’re getting a grip on it.
I think one of the biggest problems we have is that we can’t hold this kind of stuff in our mind. We need to depend on our systems. All the time we haven’t been opening the mail – we couldn’t remember who it was that was emailing us. We’ve got now about 260 business contacts that are from the old address book, but also have the names of all our accounts. And these “smaller” accounts – hmm we should call them something different. Maybe for the sake of argument we’ll call them for now our bills on one side and accounts in the other. According to the Business Contact Manager our business contacts go INTO the Accounts this is like the people that work for businesses or our own little industries. I think we’re going to type out the Accounts now just so we have a copy of that for work today. Apparently, we can send back and forth our contact lists, but not our business contacts. It’s pretty easy to put our business names into the personal contact list for easy transfer, but we messed this up a little yesterday … so still need to be taking good control over this now.
These are the accounts I have right now:
ICS Collection Service
Medical Busines Bureau, LLC
Medical Recovery Specialists Inc
MJK Investments
UIC Medical Center
UIC Physicians Group
University of Illinois at Chicago
Walgreen’s home Care, Inc
Center Specific Services:
Anand Vargheses Anixter Center
Debra Pilgram
Keith Fontana
Mr. Greg porter
Mr. JR Robinson
Mr. Michael tamburo
Mr. Jaime Esquivel
Mr. Rory Beggin
Ms. Maria Escott
Ms. Maureen Greco
Ms Patricia Seay
Ms. Rosalee Reyna
Ms Sandra Ramos
Ms. Slyvia Compos
Ms. Veda Dmitrozich
Ms. Pat Henningsen
Ms. Sue lalleron
Ms. Virginia Kerr
Ray Graham
St. Mary of Providence
Clients – Discharged or Deceased:
32 individuals listed here
Commercial Services:
Computer software
Customer Solution
Dr. David Braddock
Dr. Louis Rutland – Dentist
Holy Cross hospital
Mr. Brian Costello
Mr. Povilas karcauskas
Mr. Tony/Brian
Post Office
Community Service Options (CSO):
12 names here
Dr. Daniels
Dr. Joan Ingram
Dr. Maria Albright
Dr. Robert Marvin
Dr. Sheila Donovan
Dr. Theresa Sripada
17 names listed here
Sadly only 2 here
Garvey, Ann:
Just me here
Group 1:
9 people here
Group 2:
11 people here
Group 3:
6 people here
Group 4:
4 people here
Leadership Group:
9 people here
Local, State and Federal:
Chicago Police – Non Emergency
Federal Information
Gifty Smith
IL Headquarters – Barack Obama
Inspector Armindo ayala
Medicaid – DHS
Mr. Andrew Ryal
Mr. John Steele
Ms Hines
Ms Katherine Madison
Periodic or Auto Payments from Bank Account:
Apl iTunes
AT & T Wireless
Bally Fitness
Capella University
Carolyn Bronke Wind, D.D.S., S.C.
Comcast Cable Comm
Cynthia R. Satko MS DDS.
Dell Financial sErvices
IL Secretary of State
Kohnl’s Bill Payment
Rhapsody Music
State Farm Insurance Company
Summit- Citgo Gas
UIC Maxwell St. Parking
UIC Parking WSPS E
Walgreen’s Pharmacy #1450
Wells Fargo
Personal Services:
American Inn coon Rapids
Apartment – Mike
Mikea A
Mr. Joshua Taylor
TCF Bank
Prykop, Rich:
14 items
Staff – Left Service or Deceased:
17 people
Tamburo, Theresa:
Thinking Group:
ADA Paratransit
Checker Cab Service
CTA Helpline
Shuttle Bus
University of IL – Chicago (UIC):
Dr. Lorna Sanchez
Dr. Eileen Menghi
Dr. Linda latch
Irma Hernandez
Linda Sandman
Lisa Jones
Matti Ovalle
Ms. Chris
Ms Eileen Crowley
We’ll do more additions as we go along like for the things equaling the Thinking Group. We have to go back and fix up some more here … we don’t have all the staff or clients. Hmm, about here we went back and filled in some business contacts so we can fix our account at work. I don’t know … we’ll have to look for a way to better get the business contacts sent from one account to the other so we can work at both from home.
Ok, not sure if all that was necessary, but in our regular compulsiveness we see some purpose in making lists. I had no sense of who all my bills were going to … Now since we’ve gone through the mail we’ve got those lists too. Hmm, can I do that while rich is in the shower? Let’s try.
$200 6-30-08 Satko Oral Surgery
$266.71 12-1-08 Sprint
$331.74 11-21-08 Wells Fargo
$71.46 12-10-08 State Farm Insurance
$156.60 12-31-08 Kohl’s
$346.49 11-25-08 Comcast
$455.98 12-10-08 Citizen’s Automobile Finance
$52.20 10-15-08 Walgreens Home Care
$500.82 12-6-08 Dell
$206.84 12-09-08 ComEd
$395.48 10-20-08 AT & T
$80.00 11-20-08 UIC – 0758
$1,101 10-17-08 UIC – 0753
$303.43 11-30-08 UIC – 9399
$132.13 11-9-08 UIC – 8423
$1,160 – 11-17-08 Medical Recovery Specialists, Inc.
$266.00 – 10-13-06 ICS 02
$126.50 – 1-30-08 Athletico
Not too bad … immediate expense than is $6103.38.
I might have about $600 in the account. Can you begin to see why I’m having so much problems paying things up? Maybe we’ll do some more work today in getting these bills paid. I think I will have the werewithal at work, if I can afford the time.
Need to work this out. SOON!
Ok, good … we got about 10 minutes left. Rich went out already and he said he was going to shovel off our snow, so we were about as happy as a bee. We’ve just gotten done with our shower and medicine and packing up the bag. We’re glancing over to the above information which was pre-posted. We’re looking at all those dollar signs and trying to think oh man don’t they look neat. Will be fun to play with them. Hehehe ok, you never thought we were really sane did you? Some of us live on edges of our civilization. Let me run down the list real quick and might check a bank statement too.
Hmm, seems to be about $2,117.92 in the account … I’m pretty sure they haven’t taken the last rent check out of there so … with that and the car loan … there’s about $761.94 in there. Let’s see what we can pay off with that, Hmm?
20 surgery
175 Sprint
200 Wells
180 Nelnet
146.49 Comcast
That’s the emergency stuff … will bring us to $40.45
I’m not worrying too much because we’ve got another check now to deposit. When we get to work … we’ll try to work out that next part. We can do this, right? Just need some courage points.
Ok, let’s get out that door. It’s now 7:00 am. SMILE!