BBB Better Business Bureau Complaint - Mental Abuse
Good morning. It’s me again. We were up earlier at about 1 am, but it was just a false alarm. We went back to bed. Whoops Chief thinks I’m going to sleep some more. He’d be the wrong one … I hope. It sounds pretty blustery outside … that’s going to be ok, right? Maybe on these kind of days is why the kitties have such a hard time letting go. That and the new umm tension in the house. Our sweetie had picked up an air freshener for the litter box area and it’s timed to go off every 30 minutes or so … kitties are really not sure of that Pffft sound letting a new odor into the place. They’re still on guard.Hmm so with all that aside … is there anything standing between us getting some school work done? It’s about 4:30 am now. That give us a good 2 hours? Maybe, we could try?
Ok, that was good we took a half hour to finish up on our reading … needed to do the last part of the study on music affecting aggression. Of course, the study showed that point. Was there any question it might not? I’m still unsure though of how state and trait tendencies affect things. It seems like by this time in my career that I might understand that better, but maybe that will happen during the next phase. The next phase is that we pull together the citations that we want to use in our paper … the ones we consider most relevant. Again from the other day are to incorporate our reading in answering,
“Does viewing violent behavior increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior?”
We are then to describe the social learning theory of aggression, and last
We are to analyze recent research on the link between aggressive behavior and viewing violent models on television and video games or music.
Does viewing violence increase likelihood of aggression? Yes
The social learning theory is “that we learn from the example of others as well as from direct experience with rewards and punishments” and the aggression part is that we can learn prosocial behavior or “antisocial, aggressive behavior” (p. 410).
Bandera’s work with SLT also states that if people that modeled the aggressive behavior are not punished for their behavior there will be a likely increase in the behavior for the observer (p. 410).
Bandera’s work states that these people develop scripts that guide their thinking on aggression, but that nonaggressive experience can help decrease the aggressive behavior where if left alone it can spread like wildfire (p. 411).
Ok, we didn’t get so far … we had a few interruptions and it ended with up over at the Better Business Bureau … I don’t often go there, but I filed a complaint of AOL. AOL takes up more and more space against peoples senses and this morning they began to stamp their advertisement within the very email I send out … this goes as if I had chosen to send all my email recipients an endorsement of them. I see AOL everywhere I look and I put up with their advertisements on the bottom of the email screen, but it is just nutty to think they can own every conceivable corner of my mind. I know that I can choose not to use aol, but after 12-13 years, I am used to this small corner of the world. I can turn off my tv, and have … but, this is just unfair. I don’t deserve this after putting thousands of my dollars into them. At least give us some switch to turn it off or some live person who counts and who I know will hear my complaint. Not just one stamped, “sorry, nothing I can do.”
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